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  1. 13 hours ago · The weak demonstrative ὁ/ἡ/τό is recruited first as a means to denote familiarity of the referent in Homeric Greek (Brugmann, 1913, p. 484) and is already, at this stage, on ... If we define this term as context-sensitive information that is not part of the lexical entry of the lexeme which is in the scope of the functional ...

  2. › llulldb ›

    1 day ago · {\rtf\ansi\deff0\fs20 {\fonttbl{\f0 Times New Roman;}{\f1 Times;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;} {\info } \paperw11907 \paperh16840 \deftab1298 \margl1134 ...