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  1. 3 hours ago · Ye Jianying knew that protecting Sun Yat-sen's safety was to protect the fire of the Chinese revolution, he was calm and calm, commanded the Marines to resist the attack of the rebels, and escorted Sun Yat-sen to evacuate the presidential palace safely, boarded the "Yongfeng" ship, in Sun Yat-sen's 50 days and nights in Guangzhou, Ye ...

  2. 1 day ago · His policy of recruiting and accepting rebels not only reduced the hostile forces, but also absorbed a large number of talents for the Tang Dynasty. This enlightened policy was continued in the later Tang dynasty and became one of the important factors in the Tang Dynasty's ability to quickly unify the country and achieve long-term ...

  3. 3 hours ago · The EU appears stuck between upholding global norms of nonintervention and humanitarianism and EU self-interests in Rwanda. Following the UN Group of Experts report in December 2022, the EU took the middle way of asking Rwanda to cease support for the M23 rebels while also asking the DRC to stop supporting the FDLR rebels on its ...

  4. 1 day ago · VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — U.S. Navy fighter pilots came home to Virginia feeling relieved Friday after months of shooting down Houthi-launched missiles and drones off Yemen's coast in the most intense running sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II.

  5. 1 day ago · Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen have been attacking ships linked to Israel, the United States or Britain in what they say is a campaign to support the militant group Hamas in its war the Gaza against Israel, though they frequently have targeted ships with no clear links to Israel or its supporters, imperiling shipping in a key ...

  6. 6 hours ago · U.S. Navy fighter pilots have come home in Virginia after months of shooting down Houthi-launched missiles and drones