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  1. John Wesley’s Methodist society was one of the most impactful and long lasting outcomes of the Great Awakening. Wesley’s religious journey from 1729 to the 1780s coincides with all of the major events of the Great Awakening and you could say that his life span equaled that of the Great Awakening. To remind you, the Great Awakening was an ...

  2. John Wesley: Father. of Methodism. 1703-1791. John Wesley. Was ever a man born (1703), endowed, disciplined, trained, educated, saved from a fiery grace and prepared in a hundred ways to rescue souls by the thousand, to reform an entire nation and to set in motion a world-wide movement, like John Wesley? Within ninety years of his death (1791 ...

  3. Aug 8, 2008 · Wesley and his followers changed the American landscape in many other ways. They helped democratize America's churches, empowering the laity—male and female, black and white—to carry the ...

  4. May 31, 2016 · Family Life. On June 17, 1703, in the village of Epworth, twenty miles north of London, John Wesley was born and raised with seven sisters and two brothers by Samuel and Susanna (Annesley) Wesley. The fifteenth of nineteen children, he was the third son to be named John Benjamin as two sons born earlier had died.

  5. John Wesley was born June 28, 1703, died Mar. 2, 1791, and was the principal founder of the Methodist movement. His mother was important in his emotional and educational development. John's education continued at Charterhouse School and at Oxford, where he studied at Christ Church and was elected (1726) fellow of Lincoln College.

  6. Jun 29, 2023 · John Wesley was Rescued by God. "Fire, fire, help!" screamed five-year-old John Wesley as he scrambled from his bed in the smoke-filled room. John quickly realized he was alone, and flames were already licking at the door, blocking his exit. John ran to the window and saw the confusion below. People were running and screaming as his parents ...

  7. May 13, 2022 · 1. John Wesley was an ordained Anglican minister who served as a missionary in England and the United States, spreading the Christian faith and visiting the poor, sick, and imprisoned in the 1700s. He preached a message of spiritual discipline. In the colonies of the New World, curios settlers and Native Americans gathered from miles around to ...