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  1. Sep 11, 2023 · Over the evolution of the public school Dr Thomas Arnold, Headmaster of Rugby from 1827 until his death in 1841, exercised a decisive influence. Arnold himself expressed in his own stormy personality all the moral obsessions and emotional fervour of early Victorian evangelicalism. Arnold's Rugby was the most important and influential of the ...

  2. Daneben geht er seit Mitte der 2000er mit literarisch-lyrischen Soloprogrammen auf Tournee, unter anderem mit eigenen Gedichten oder Werken von Kurt Tucholsky. [2] Thomas Arnold ist der Vater der Schauspielerin Louise Sophie Arnold (* 2001). [3] Er wohnt mit seiner Frau, der Puppenspielerin Doreen Arnold, und seiner Tochter in Wildpark-West.

  3. Thomas Arnold (1795-1842), Headmaster of Rugby School. Early Victorian Portraits Catalogue Entry. Sitter in 5 portraits Thomas Arnold was headmaster of Rugby school. He was a moralist, and an important educational theorist, his reforms at Rugby provided a pattern for public schools that influenced the whole course of nineteenth-century education.

  4. Thomas Arnold. Thomas is a commercial barrister who specialises in tax law. He is regularly retained by taxpayers, professional advisors, the Commissioner of Taxation and the Tax Practitioner’s Board. He has been briefed to advise and appear in a broad range of tax matters at all stages of the tax dispute lifecycle and is recognised in Doyle ...

  5. Jun 14, 2016 · Thomas Arnold on Religious Writers: Keble plus Bunyan, Milton, and Seventeenth-century Writers on Religion. Arnold's use of biblical allusion in a letter about the "troubles of school-keeping". Broad Church or Liberal Christianity in Tom Brown's Schooldays.

  6. 9 Thomas Hughes (1822-1866) was a lawyer and novelist. He was educated at Rugby school when Thomas Arnold was headmaster and is best known for his 1857 novel Tom Brown’s Schooldays which depicted school-boy life at Rugby under Arnold. He is also remembered as an important proponent of ‘Muscular Christianity’ alongside his

  7. Jun 27, 2024 · Head of Rugby School for over a decade, Thomas Arnold (1795–1842) became Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford in the final year of his life. Known for his controversial ideas on schooling and religion, he was a prominent and influential figure in the history of British education.