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  1. Oct 19, 2023 · Smog is common in big cities with a lot of industry and traffic. Cities located in basins surrounded by mountains may have smog problems because the smog is trapped in the valley and cannot be carried away by wind. Los Angeles, California, United States, and Mexico City, Mexico, both have high smog levels partly because of this kind of landscape.

  2. Ground-level ozone, on the other hand, is a pollutant and a primary ingredient of smog. It forms when volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, and nitrogen oxides participate in chemical reactions in the presence of sunlight. VOCs: Carbon-containing compounds that easily evaporate at room temperature and enter the surrounding air.

  3. Smog is the term derived from two words smoke and fog. It is a kind of intense air pollution. The word smog was coined in the 20th century. This article lucidly explains all the important information about smog; ranging from how it is created, harmful effects, different types, and measures that can be adapted to control Smog.

  4. › wiki › SmogSmog – Wikipedie

    Smog je chemické znečištění atmosféry způsobené lidskou činností. Název pochází z anglického smísení dvou slov smo ke ( [sməʊk] IPA kouř) a fo g ( [fɒg] IPA mlha) – lingvisticky jde o splynulinu ( portmanteau ). Jedná se o jev, během kterého je atmosféra obohacena o složky, které v ní normálně nejsou a které jsou ...

  5. › encyclopedia › SmogSmog - Energy Education

    Smog is a specific type of air pollution. It is a combination of harmful pollutants (often appearing relatively low to the ground as a yellow-brown haze) that are introduced into the atmosphere by both natural and human induced processes. [2] It was first described over 5 decades ago as a mixture of smoke and fog, hence the name "smog"—but ...

  6. Mar 3, 2019 · The Formation of Smog. Photochemical smog (or just smog for short) is a term used to describe air pollution that is a result of the interaction of sunlight with certain chemicals in the atmosphere. One of the primary components of photochemical smog is ozone. While ozone in the stratosphere protects earth from harmful UV radiation, ozone on the ...

  7. smog翻译:(尤指城市中的)雾霾,烟雾。了解更多。