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  1. Clostridium perfringens ( C. perfringens) is a spore-forming gram-positive bacterium that is found in many environmental sources as well as in the intestines of humans and animals. C. perfringens is commonly found on raw meat and poultry. It prefers to grow in conditions with very little or no oxygen, and under ideal conditions can multiply ...

  2. Clostridium perfringens (dříve též C. welchii) je grampozitivní tyčinkovitá anaerobní sporulující bakterie z rodu Clostridium. [2] C. perfringens je v přírodě všudypřítomná a je běžně obsažena v rozkládající se vegetaci, mořském sedimentu, trávicí soustavě člověka i jiných obratlovců, na tělech hmyzu a v půdě .

  3. Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic, spore-forming organism commonly found in fresh meat and poultry products. Spores of the organism can survive many food processing procedures. Because of its ability to grow over a wide temperature range, it is often implicated in human food poisoning. With regard to human illness in general, it should be ...

  4. C. perfringens is a short, thick, Gram-positive bacillus. If there is evidence of contamination, streak contaminated culture (s) on TSC agar containing egg yolk and incubate in anaerobic jar 24 h ...

  5. Clostridium perfringens is a bacteria that causes several disorders, including gastroenteritis. Some strains cause mild to moderate gastroenteritis that gets better without treatment, whereas other strains cause severe disease that can damage the small intestine and sometimes lead to death.

  6. Get detailed information for health professionals. Learn about Clostridium perfringens infection, its causes, symptoms, risks, treatment and prevention. Also find information on surveillance and guidance for health professionals.

  7. 曾称魏氏梭菌或产气荚膜杆菌,产气荚膜梭菌(Clostridium perfringens)是临床上气性坏疽病原菌中最多见的一种梭菌,因能分解肌肉和结缔组织中的糖,产生大量气体,导致组织严重气肿,继而影响血液供应,造成组织大面积坏死,加之本菌在体内能形成荚膜,故名产气荚膜梭菌。