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  1. 23 hours ago · Awas Risiko Keamanan di WiFi Kafe dan Bandara! Foto: Shutterstock. Saat ini banyak orang bekerja di kafe maupun bandara dan memanfaatkan koneksi WiFi yang tersedia di sana. Jika kamu termasuk salah satunya maka berhati-hatilah karena ada risiko keamanan saat terkoneksi WiFi di area publik. Menurut peneliti keamanan Kaspersky saat ini penjahat ...

  2. Jul 8, 2024 · Chinese Cyber Espionage Concerns. FBI Director Christopher Wray delivered one such message in a speech in April, saying the Chinese government has tried to steal “intellectual property, technology and research” from American industries. In response, the U.S. government has stepped up security measures over the last two years, including ...

  3. 23 hours ago · W 2019 roku Roskomnadzor wysłał zawiadomienia do 10 dostawców VPN, żądając, aby zarejestrowali się u regulatora i przekazali dostęp do swoich serwerów, w przeciwnym razie grozi im zakaz działalności. Tylko jeden dostawca VPN, moskiewski Kaspersky Lab, zastosował się do tego.

  4. Jul 8, 2024 · Da qualche giorno a questa parte, i server web con Ubuntu e Nginx sui quali lavoro hanno iniziato a mostrare un fastidioso avviso. In risposta al comando di ricerca aggiornamenti (apt update), viene infatti visualizzato il messaggio The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG ABF5BD827BD9BF62 nginx signing key. Il problema è causato dalla scadenza della firma digitale utilizzata per ...

  5. Jul 8, 2024 · Nueva cepa de malware pensada para cajeros automáticos europeos, noticias mayoristas de informática

  6. 23 hours ago · The main summary:🔵 A total of 117 military clashes took place since the beginning of the day. The tense situation remains in the Pokrovsky direction, and the enemy also became more active in the Lymansky and Kurakhiv directions.🔵 The Russian aggressors carried out one missile attack on the territory of Ukraine, using two missiles, and…

  7. Jul 8, 2024 · Directoratul Naţional de Securitate Cibernetică (DNSC) a transmis o alertă ce vizează utilizatorii de Android. Rafel Remote Access Tool (RAT) conferă atacatorilor capacitatea de a gestiona dispozitivele infectate de la distanţă, fără ca proprietarii acestora să fie conştienţi de prezenţa sa. Potrivit DNSC, malware-ul poate evita ...

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