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  1. 12 hours ago · The New Republic noted that prior to the shooting: "Despite some attention in the mainstream tech press, Gab was essentially considered a sideshow, an also-ran in the social media wars, destined to fade away like Yo, Ello, or other mostly forgotten platforms that could never hope to compete with Silicon Valley monopolies".

  2. 12 hours ago · If using git versioning, probably not wise to attempt any point release update to your 4.4.x code - which could include security fixes (let's hope those are not for a 0 day flaw). :|

  3. 12 hours ago · 4、复制 yolo.weights 和 yolo.cfg 以及 三个文件,以及一个文件夹 yad2k 到单独的文件夹. ps: yad2k.py和yad2k在YAD2K文件夹中:. 效果如下:. . 如何直接在Anocnoda Prompt中输入:. python yad 2 yolov.cfg yolov 3 .weights model_ data/ yolo.h 5. 运行结束,打开model_data即可发现:.

  4. 12 hours ago · Yeni sezonda daha güçlü ve alternatifli bir kadro kurmak isteyen Beşiktaş bu doğrultuda hamleler yapmaya devam ederken, kadroda düşünülmeyen isimlerle de yollarını ayırmaya başladı.

  5. 12 hours ago · 卡尔曼滤波是一种有效的递归算法,用于估计动态系统的状态,即使在存在测量和过程噪声的情况下也是如此。它的优点包括递归性、鲁棒性、最优性、适应性和线性化,而缺点则包括高计算成本、灵敏性和低维适用性。

  6. 12 hours ago · If yo👩u do not👨 know yo👩ur postal 🔽code, you c💵an look it up👦 on th🛅e Japan 🐤Post🌐 web💂site.📆 美女的烦恼百度云超清剧照1

  7. 12 hours ago · 什么是python装饰器? 顾名思义,从字面意思就可以理解,它是用来"装饰"Python的工具,使得代码更具有Python简洁的风格。