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  1. Jul 17, 2024 · An early stint at Pininfarina in Turin, Italy, proved to be a fertile training ground for this designer. There, he contributed to the design of the iconic Lancia Monte Carlo. This experience served as a springboard for a successful tenure at BMW. During his time there, he left his mark on legendary cars that continue to be coveted by enthusiasts.

  2. 21 hours ago · Scores of European Parliament members have called on Brussels to punish Hungary after its prime minister, Viktor Orban, allegedly abused the bloc's rotating presidency by launching his Ukraine "peace mission," Politico reported on Tuesday. The outlet published a letter signed by 93 MEPs and addressed to European Commission President Ursula von ...

  3. 21 hours ago · Renowned boxing promoter Eddie Hearn has cautioned Daniel Dubois that he will be "outgunned" if he engages in a slugfest with Anthony Joshua. Dubois, 26, will fight for the vacated IBF heavyweight title against Joshua at Wembley Stadium on September 21.

  4. 21 hours ago · Il corpo di Raule è stato recuperato in un crepaccio sotto il rifugio Gonella, 3.071 metri, sul massiccio del Monte Bianco, lunedì 15 luglio, dal Soccorso alpino valdostano e dal Soccorso alpino della guardia di finanza di Entreves-Courmayeur, che si occupa delle operazioni di polizia giudiziaria.Gli altri tre alpinisti che erano con Raule, illesi, sono stati portati a Courmayeur a ...

  5. Jul 17, 2024 · Актуално към 00:39 ч. Телевизия:

  6. 21 hours ago · En plus d’être un insatiable attaquant au palmarès épatant, le Danois Magnus Cort Nielsen régale le public par ses innombrables facéties. Dernier exemple en date avec sa… moustache bleue.

  7. 21 hours ago · 16 juillet 2024 12:10 Huy. Surplombant la ville de Huy, entre les vallées de la Meuse et du Hoyou, le Fort de Huy offre un panorama impressionnant sur la région. C’est aussi un lieu de mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et un témoignage de l’univers concentrationnaire nazi. De mai 1940 à septembre 1944, plus de 7000 prisonniers y ...