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  1. 10 hours ago · Shanta's special permission petition against this may be considered in the coming days. No need for Pradeepan to surrender now The Supreme Court has clarified that the 31st accused in the case, MK Pradeepan alias Lambu, does not have to surrender now.

  2. 12 hours ago · Gulshan Kumar was the founder of the T-Series (Super Cassettes Industries Ltd.), the best known as music label in India, and an Indian Bollywood movie producer. Gulshan Kumar. Bhushan Kumar (son of Gulshan Kumar) + Divya Khosla Kumar (actress and producer – wife of Bhushan Kumar) Tulsi Kumar (singer – younger daughter of Gulshan Kumar)

  3. 12 hours ago · sqlite3 退出命令,最近在复习sql语句,发现自己学习的过程中,学的有些片面,现在回头看看,需要给自己充能一下,话不多说,直接开始干活。. 1,数据库操作1.1,显示数据库列表showdatabases;1.2,创建数据库createdatabase数据库名;createdatabase数据库名characterset'utf8 ...