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  1. › wiki › Luo_JinLuo Jin - Wikipedia

    Luo Jin (simplified Chinese: 罗晋; traditional Chinese: 羅晉; pinyin: Luó Jìn, born November 30, 1981) is a Chinese actor and singer. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2006.

  2. Apr 22, 2024 · Name: 罗晋 / Luo Jin. Profession: Actor. Birthdate: 1981-Nov-30 (age 42) Birthplace: Yichun, Jiangxi, China. Height: 181cm. Star sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac: Rooster. Blood type: O.

  3. Nov 14, 2019 · Tang Yan shares how during the first three dramas, she saw Luo Jin merely as a friend — they didn’t even talk after their projects! Yet, being the lead character in Princess Weiyoung, Tang Yan was under a lot of pressure and stress. She remembered how Luo Jin was the one who was always there to give her emotional support.

  4. 罗晋1981年11月30日出生于江西省宜春市铜鼓县中国内地影视男演员国家二级演员毕业于北京电影学院表演系2003年罗晋客串出演电视剧售楼处的故事》。 2005年,罗晋出演《双鱼公主》MV。 2006年,罗晋大学毕业,并出演电视剧《战争目光》。 2007年,罗晋主演的第一部电影《金碧辉煌》入围温哥华电影节龙虎奖。 2009年,因出演历史剧《三国》和宫廷剧《美人心计》而受到关注。 2012年,在《 ... >>> 目录. 1 早年经历. 2 演艺经历. 初入演艺圈. 事业上升. 热剧频出. 3 个人生活. 4 主要作品. 参演电影. 参演电视剧. 音乐单曲. 综艺节目. 杂志写真. 5 社会活动. 6 获奖记录. 7 人物评价. 基本信息.

  5. Oct 13, 2020 · For new dad Luo Jin, the actor recently revealed in an interview that he felt very calm that first time he held his daughter. “The mood was very calm at the time. Because her arrival into the world isn’t something that came abruptly, I was very prepared to be a dad early on” shares Luo Jin.

  6. 罗晋. 7月14日 19:25 来自 微博视频号. #执行法官大结局# 成為執行法官的這些日子里,為了將判決結果執行到位,在法理和人性的千頭萬緒間努力尋找一條陽光大道。 齊麟和執行二庭的夥伴們,面對過兇狠的電鋸,看過淩晨3點的菜場,收到過執行二庭的第一面錦旗,救下過走投無路的被執行人,見過一雙雙充滿絕望,或飽含希望的眼睛... 往日種種,歷 ... 展开全文 c. 小窗口. û收藏. 30326. 1692. ñ2624. c. + 关注. 罗晋. 7月7日 11:36. 珍惜和平,吾輩自強。 @央视新闻. 【 #1937年7月7日永不能忘# 转发,铭记这个日子! 】今天, #七七事变87年# 。 牢记历史,警示未来:悲剧不能重演! 珍惜和平,吾辈自强,今日,每日!

  7. › profile › 4534-luo-jinLuo Jin - DramaWiki

    Luo Jin is a member of China. Profile. First Name: Jin. Family Name: Luo. Native Name: 罗晋. Nationality: Chinese. Gender: Male. Born: November 30, 1981. Age: 37. After starring in four TV shows together, Tiffany Tang and Luo Jin confirmed their relationship on December 6, 2016. He married Tiffany Tang on October 28, 2018. Movies.

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