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  1. May 30, 2024 · Oxygen therapy provides air with a higher concentration of oxygen, helping the lungs send more oxygen around the body. In many cases, it can help prevent organ damage or failure.

  2. Jun 6, 2022 · Oxygen therapy can be a lifesaving medical treatment when lung problems prevent you from taking in enough oxygen when you breathe. You may need supplemental oxygen all day, every day or just some of the time.

  3. Jul 9, 2017 · Oxygen therapy, or supplemental oxygen, can help people get enough oxygen if they can’t get it on their own. It can include oxygen in liquid or gas forms, among other types.

  4. Jun 16, 2022 · The Benefits of Oxygen Therapy. Supplemental oxygen therapy helps prevent heart failure in people who have severe lung diseases. Some studies have shown an increase in survival rates in COPD patients who use oxygen for longer than 15 hours a day.

  5. Medical conditions such as lung, heart and sleep-related breathing disorders may result in lower oxygen levels in the blood. This could cause symptoms such as breathlessness, tiredness and reduced attention. This booklet will highlight how oxygen therapy provides you with extra oxygen during breathing to improve the oxygen levels in your blood.

  6. 氧療 (oxygen therapy)是 氧氣療法 的簡稱,以供應額外 氧氣 作為 醫學治療 的方式 [1] ,可以治療 缺氧 、 一氧化碳中毒 、 叢集性頭痛 ,也可以在 全身麻醉 時維持病患體內的氧氣 (因全身麻醉時無法自主呼吸) [2] 。 氧療也會用於治一些長期氧氣不足的患者,例如患有肺炎, 慢性阻塞性肺病 或是 囊腫性纖維化 的患者 [3] [1] 。 可以透過幾種方式供應氧氣,包括 鼻導管 (英語:Nasal cannula) 、 氧氣面罩 、 氣管插管 ,或在 高壓氧治療艙 內 [4] [5] 。 高濃度的氧氣可能造成氧氣中毒,例如肺損傷或在體質易感的人身上導致 呼吸衰竭 [2] [6] 。 也可能使鼻子乾燥並在 吸菸 的人身上增加起火的危險性。

  7. Jan 26, 2024 · Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a different type of oxygen therapy. It involves breathing oxygen in a pressurized chamber or tube. That allows your lungs to gather up to three times more oxygen than you would get by breathing oxygen at normal air pressure.

  8. 氧气浓缩器是一种可将空气中的氧气和氮气分离开来,使肺部疾病患者能够获得纯净氧气的电动设备。 该系统从室内空气中抽取氧气,因此患者不需要接受氧气输送。

  9. Oxygen therapy is a treatment that delivers extra oxygen to the lungs when the level of oxygen in the blood is too low. Oxygen is a gas that makes up about 21% of the air we breathe. The lungs take oxygen from the air and transfer it to the bloodstream (see Exchanging Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide ).

  10. Oxygen therapy, or O2 therapy, is a medical therapy wherein supplemental oxygen is given to anyone suffering from oxygen deficiency. The purpose of oxygen treatment is to help patients breathe better and improve their blood oxygen levels.

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