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  1. 8 hours ago · 加入東森新聞官方LINE,一手掌握最夯話題!. 3颱風恐同時擾台時間曝光!. 專家示警了:強度不弱. 台灣未來附近就有3個熱帶擾動。. (圖/翻攝「林老師氣象站」臉書). 今(16)天為晴朗雲量少的天氣,受熱力作用影響,午後雷陣雨容易發展,嘉義以南地區 ...

  2. 8 hours ago · 溫度方面,各地無雨時高溫炎熱,最高溫普遍在34到36度之間,大台北及中南部地區有局部37度以上高溫發生的機率,此外因東南風沉降,在背風側的 ...

  3. 8 hours ago · 台視新聞台hd 24 小時線上直播|taiwan ttv news hd (live)|台湾のttv ニュースhd (生放送)|대만 뉴스 라이브 【完整公開】LIVE 立法院會最後一日 爭議法案表決大戰

  4. 1 day ago · Temperatures remained high around Taiwan on Monday, with the highest temperature of 39.4 degrees Celsius recorded in Sanxia District in New Taipei, according to Central Weather Administration (CWA ...

  5. 8 hours ago · The world’s first typhoon forecast was made in 1879 by Fr. Federico Faura, who was a Jesuit scientist from the Manila Observatory. His brethren from the Zikawei Jesuit Observatory, Fr. Marc Dechevrens, first reconstructed the trajectory of a typhoon in 1879, a study that marked the beginning of an era. The Jesuits and other Europeans like ...

  6. 8 hours ago · Satellite imagery confirms the presence of these twin low-pressure areas in the region, marking an active phase in the Northwest Pacific’s typhoon season. The South China Sea’s warm waters, with temperatures consistently above 26 degrees Celsius, are conducive to the strengthening of tropical cyclones, although the extent of development will crucially depend on the vertical wind shear ...

  7. 8 hours ago · Chu PS, Zhang H, Chang HL, Chen TL, Tofte K (2018) Trends in return levels of 24-h precipitation extremes during the typhoon season in Taiwan. Int J Climatol 38:5107–5124. Article Google Scholar Clark JD, Chu PS (2002) Interannual variation of tropical cyclone activity over the central North Pacific.

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