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  1. 1 day ago · She started off studying art (painting) and later changed to photography. She even had her own photo studio in Paris. She is recognised as a surreal photographer. Her photographs are ethereal, mysterious, engaging, well, simply brilliant. (Portrait of Dora Maar/Pablo Picasso/Fair use) She was born in Paris in 1907 and lived a very long life.

  2. › wiki › SurrealismSurrealism - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · Surrealism is an art and cultural movement that developed in Europe in the aftermath of World War I in which artists aimed to allow the unconscious mind to express itself, often resulting in the depiction of illogical or dreamlike scenes and ideas. [1] Its intention was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously ...

  3. 1 hour ago · Frankrijk is het gastland van de Olympische Zomerspelen 2024 in Parijs, Frankrijk van 26 juli tot en met 11 augustus 2024.

  4. 1 day ago · Het lukte Van der Pluijm bijvoorbeeld om de eigenzinnige Vlaamse regisseur en actrice Dora van der Groen in de veelbekeken talkshows van Sonja Barend en Ischa Meijer te krijgen. Zijn kwaliteiten als pers- en marketingman vielen zo op dat hij na een paar jaar toch richting Randstad verhuisde en bij Toneelgroep Amsterdam aan de slag ging als hoofd planning, publiciteit en educatie.

  5. 1 day ago · Buste de femme (dora maar) 1938年 授权签名版画. 1935年,28岁的朵拉·玛尔与55岁的毕加索相识,相恋。朵拉·玛尔不仅是一位模特,还是一位摄影师。她的摄影作品,尤其是那些具有超现实主义风格的作品,对毕加索的绘画风格产生了一定的影响。

  6. 1 hour ago · 二十及二十一世纪艺术:上海晚间拍卖. 3月1日晚,“二十及二十一世纪艺术:上海晚间拍卖”为艺术周打响头炮,这也是佳士得上海艺术空间迁入新址后的首场拍卖,将呈献巴斯奇亚黄金创作年代巨作《领导者》,巴布罗•毕加索1930年代显赫杰作《睡梦中的女子(玛丽•特雷斯•沃尔特)》,以及 ...

  7. 1 hour ago · Robinhood has introduced joint investing accounts that allow customers to manage investments with their partners while consolidating their shared assets. The new product follows the Menlo Park, California-based online trading app’s strategy to diversify its product range, including the launch of a ...