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  1. The 2020 Annual Report presents our main results in 140 different indicators, considering the set of Eletrobras companies. It is the main source of ESG (environmental, social and governance) information for the company and also presents data on financial and operational performance.

  2. Climate Strategy. We are committed to further minimizing our negative impact and contributing to the transition to a new development model based on a low carbon economy. Ensuring the implementation of actions to manage greenhouse gas emissions, prioritizing renewable energy projects and promoting studies are some of the objectives of Eletrobras ...

  3. O Relatório Anual traz nossos principais resultados em 140 diferentes indicadores, considerando o conjunto das empresas Eletrobras. É a principal fonte de informações ASG (ambiental, social e governança) da companhia e apresenta ainda dados do desempenho financeiro e operacional.

  4. › pt › PaginasEletrobras

    Somos a maior empresa de energia elétrica da América Latina e uma das maiores do mundo. Estamos em todo o Brasil e contribuímos para garantir a energia de que você precisa.

  5. Eduardo Haiama graduou-se pela Escola Politécnica da USP em Engenharia Elétrica e possui pós-graduação (MBA) pela Duke University (Carolina do Norte, EUA). Atuou como diretor Financeiro e de Relações com Investidores da Yduqs Participações, de 2019 a 2022, e da Equatorial Energia, de 2008 até novembro de 2019.

  6. Eletrobras reached an installed capacity of 44,654.5 MW in generation projects by the end of 2023, representing 22% of the 199,324.6 MW installed in Brazil.

  7. Não há nenhum item a ser mostrado neste modo de exibição da lista "Veja Mais 2".

  8. From April 2021 to July 2022, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Itaipu Binacional. Since April 2020, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian National Electric System Operator (ONS), becoming the chairman of the board in May 2021. He was sworn in as president of Eletrobras in May 2021.

  9. The Executive Committee for Sustainability Management of Eletrobras Companies is led by the holding and has sustainability coordinators from all Eletrobras companies, in addition to those responsible for reporting and indicators related to the sustainability of our business.

  10. SGD is a process of planning, monitoring, evaluation of goals and skills and the creation of an individual development plan, which compares the performance achieved with the expected results. Performance Management System Eletrobras System – SGD is available here. Remote Work Guidelines.