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  1. 13 hours ago · Il pomeriggio del 12 dicembre 1969, intorno alle 16,30, una bomba esplose all’interno della Banca nazionale dell’agricoltura in piazza Fontana a Milano, provocando 17 morti e oltre 88 feriti ...

  2. 4 days ago · The Piazza Fontana Bombing (Italian: Strage di Piazza Fontana) was a terrorist attack that occurred on December 12, 1969 at 16:37, when a bomb exploded at the headquarters of Banca Nazionale dell'Agricoltura (National Agrarian Bank) in Piazza Fontana (some 200 metres from the Duomo) in Milan, Italy, killing 17 people and wounding 88.

  3. › wiki › Neo-fascismNeo-fascism - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · Neo-fascist groups took part in various false flag terrorist attacks, starting with the December 1969 Piazza Fontana massacre, for which Vincenzo Vinciguerra was convicted, and they are usually considered to have stopped with the 1980 Bologna railway bombing.

  4. 3 days ago · The idea of combining the palace front and fountain was derived from a project by Pietro da Cortona, but the grand pageantry of the fountain’s central triumphal arch with its mythological and allegorical figures, natural rock formations, and gushing water was Salvi’s.

  5. 3 days ago · Italy - Rebellions, 1831, Aftermath: The July Revolution of 1830 in Paris set in motion an Italian conspiratorial movement in Modena and in other Emilian towns. Two Carbonari, Enrico Misley and Ciro Menotti, put their trust in the duke of Modena, Francis IV of Habsburg-Este, who was looking for an opportunity to expand his small state.

  6. 4 days ago · Presentazione del libro di Paolo Cucchiarelli «Il segreto di Piazza Fontana» (Ponte alle Grazie) Interventi di: Paolo Cucchiarelli (giornalista); Giovanni Pellegrino (Senatore della Repubblica dal 1990 al 2001 e Presidente della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sul terrorismo in Italia e sulle cause della mancata individuazione dei responsabili delle stragi dal ...

  7. 4 days ago · The conspiracy involved the Pazzi and Salviati families, both rival banking families seeking to end the influence of the Medici, as well as the priest presiding over the church services, the Archbishop of Pisa, and even Pope Sixtus IV to a degree.