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  1. Christian theology sometimes refers to Jesus using the title Redeemer or Saviour. This refererences the salvation he accomplished, and is based on the metaphor of redemption, or "buying back". In the New Testament, redemption can refer both to deliverance from sin and to freedom from captivity.

  2. Oct 25, 2023 · Jesus our Redeemer sets us free from evil forces and powers of darkness in the world (Acts 26:18; Colossians 1:13; 2:20; Galatians 1:4) and rescues us from the “the terrors of the coming judgment” (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9).

  3. The meaning of REDEEMER is a person who redeems; especially Redeemer : jesus. How to use redeemer in a sentence.

  4. Jesus Christ redeems believers from all forms of sinful bondage and oppression through his death and resurrection. The price of that redemption, his own death, represents a ransom paid to secure the freedom of those held in bondage to sin. The incarnate God as redeemer.

  5. One who redeems. 2. ( n.) Specifically, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. REDEEMER; REDEMPTION. re-dem'-er, re-demp'-shun (paraq, "to tear loose," "to rescue," padhah, ga'al; agorazo, referring to purchase, lutroumai, from lutron, "a ransom"): 1.

  6. Discover the meaning of Redeemer in the Bible. Study the definition of Redeemer with multiple Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias and find scripture references in the Old and New Testaments.

  7. redeemer, redemption. Redemption is deliverance from the power of an alien dominion and enjoyment of the resulting freedom. In its original sense and in its Biblical usage redemption is intimately associated with the ideas of ransom and substitution.