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  1. 19 hours ago · Tre and Telenor share network infrastructure through 3GIS. [132] [133] Sweden also has a number of flanker brands and virtual operators, most notable are Halebop, Comviq, Fello, Hallon, Vimla, Mybeat, Tellusmobil and Chilimobil. Some of world's largest producers of mobile network equipment have strong ties to Sweden.

  2. 19 hours ago · Panama Awards 10 Cell Frequencies to Telefónica. Thursday, April 3, 2014. Of the 38 radio spectrum frequencies requested by the operator, the Public Utilities Authority awarded just ten. Resolution No.7207-Telco AN:

  3. 19 hours ago · (Spain) Telefónica and Nokia have signed a strategic agreement to accelerate the development and deployment of private 5G networks in the Spanish business environment. The aim is to help the industry evolve to a 4.0 model and accelerate the digital transformation of companies in a simple and agile way.