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  1. 1 hour ago · Indeed, in the opening panel discussion last week, former IUCN President Valli Moosa, former minister for Environment and Tourism in South Africa under Thabo Mbeki, said that then, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, they had heard about conservation and tourism in Kenya, and he came here 'silently' to learn.

  2. 1 day ago · Africa-Press – South-Africa. One of the dominant narratives advanced during the campaigning period ahead of the recent national and provincial elections was that 2024 is our 1994. The framing of the narrative in this way, although a no-brainer, was ingenious, nevertheless. This year marks three decades since the dawn of the democratic dispensation. Naturally, it […]

  3. 1 day ago · Thabo Mbeki, President (1999–2008) Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri, Acting President (2008) Kgalema Motlanthe, President (2008–2009) Jacob Zuma, President (2009 ...

  4. 1 day ago · Mandelas Nachfolger wurde 1999 Thabo Mbeki. Trotz des ursprünglich linksgerichteten politischen Konzepts verfolgten die ANC-Regierungen stets auch Aspekte einer liberalen Wirtschaftspolitik, was maßgeblich zu einem starken Wirtschaftswachstum, aber auch zu neuen Disparitäten im Sozialgefüge des Landes beigetragen hat.

  5. › Dakar-BeraadDakar-Beraad

    1 day ago · Die Dakar-beraad was gesprekke in 1987 tussen ’n groep Afrikaanssprekendes en leiers van die ANC in ballingskap wat in , Senegal plaasgevind het. In Julie 1987 het 'n groep van 60 Afrikaanse skrywers, joernaliste, sakemanne, politici en ander intellektueles, in weerwil van opposisie deur die destydse Nasionale Party