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  1. 1 day ago · STRASBOURG, France, Sept. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will testify before the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). ThinkCareBelieve feels that this is an historic event because it is the first time he has spoken publicly since he was taken to ...

  2. 1 day ago · WikiLeaks (von hawaiisch wiki „schnell“ und englisch leaks „Lecks“, „Löcher“, „undichte Stellen“) ist eine 2006 gegründete Enthüllungsplattform, auf der Dokumente anonym veröffentlicht werden (Whistleblowing), die durch Geheimhaltung als Verschlusssache, Vertraulichkeit, Zensur oder auf sonstige Weise in ihrer Zugänglichkeit beschränkt sind.

  3. 6 hours ago · ThinkCareBelieve believes that when we take a look at the ideals and practices for which Julian Assange stands, we can see him as a man of integrity with a moral and social intelligence that ...

  4. 1 day ago · List of countries by level of military equipment. This is a list of countries by level of military equipment, including naval ships, fighter aircraft and nuclear weapons. This list is indicative only, as strict comparisons cannot accurately be made.

  5. 1 day ago · Whistleblowing (also whistle-blowing or whistle blowing) is the activity of a person, often an employee, revealing information about activity within a private or public organization that is deemed illegal, immoral, illicit, unsafe or fraudulent. Whistleblowers can use a variety of internal or external channels to communicate information or ...

  6. 1 day ago · Indoor air quality (IAQ) is the air quality within buildings and structures. Poor indoor air quality due to indoor air pollution is known to affect the health, comfort, and well-being of building occupants. It has also been linked to sick building syndrome, respiratory issues, reduced productivity, and impaired learning in schools.

  7. 3 hours ago · 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령이 핵 사용 원칙을 담은 핵 교리 개정을 공식 선언했다.비(非)핵보유국이 핵보유국의 지원을 받아 러시아를 공격하면 그 지원국 역시 공격자로 간주한다는 내용 등을 개정안에 반영하겠다고 푸틴 대통령은 밝혔다.AP, 타스통신 등에 따르면 푸틴 대통령은 25일(이하 ...

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