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  1. 6 days ago · Augusto Céspedes Patzi (6 February 1904, Cochabamba – 9 May 1997, La Paz) was a Bolivian writer, politician, diplomat, and journalist. He was the brother-in-law of writer Carlos Montenegro . Career. Céspedes studied law and received his degree in La Paz. In 1927, he founded the Nationalist Party.

  2. Jul 20, 2024 · The 1979 contest remained inconclusive because no candidate received 50% of the vote, and Congress elected Wálter Guevara a temporary president. Siles finished first in 1980, but came up short of a majority.

  3. 4 days ago · Guerrillero Heroico (English: "Heroic Guerrilla Fighter") is an iconic photograph of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara taken by Alberto Korda. It was captured on March 5, 1960, in Havana, Cuba, at a memorial service for victims of the La Coubre explosion.

  4. 2 days ago · 他是 古巴革命 的核心人物之一, 社会主义古巴 、 古巴革命武装力量 和 古巴共產黨 的主要缔造者及领导人,國際 共产主义 革命家 、軍事理論家、醫生、作家、 游擊隊 领袖。 身為年輕的 醫學系 學生,格瓦拉带着一腔熱情騎上摩托车,遊歷了整個 拉丁美洲 ,並因親眼目睹了 貧窮 的無所不在而深感震撼 [3] 。 他在這些旅行中的所見所聞,使他斷定各地根深蒂固的 社會不平等 是 國家壟斷資本主義 、 新殖民主義 與 帝國主義 的結果,唯一的補救方法便是進行 世界革命 [4] 。 這個信仰激勵他介入了 瓜地馬拉 在總統 哈科沃·阿本斯·古斯曼 統治下的社會改革;阿本斯最終于 1954年瓜地馬拉政變 ,在 美國中情局 暗中策動下被推翻,結束了瓜地馬拉當時不同凡響的社会变革。

  5. Jul 19, 2024 · By May 15, 1959, some 600 people linked to the Batista government had been put to death by revolutionary courts. One of the first significant acts of the new regime was to confer upon the Argentinian Guevara the status of native-born Cuban, thus making him eligible for any government position, including the presidency.

  6. Jul 16, 2024 · Explore the gripping story of Che Guevara's final days in Bolivia. Follow CIA agent Felix Rodriguez as he undertakes a daring mission to capture one of the w...

  7. Jul 3, 2024 · Wálter Guevara Anaya. La convocatoria del organismo electoral a un encuentro de las fuerzas políticas legalmente reconocidas para participar en las elecciones de 2025 tiene como propósito principal eliminar las primarias tal como las manda la ley actual.