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  1. Seasons of Change Overview. Every time a change occurs in your life, you embark on a transition journey illustrated here with the seasons. Follow the spiral to discover the practical steps you can take to grow through life's inevitable ups and downs. Imagine that this is an upward moving spiral that continues forever.

  2. The Summer season brings happiness; the Autumn brings pain; the Winter brings self-reflection, and the Spring brings an opportunity for learning. We transition through each of these seasons naturally, because they are simply a reflection of our human nature.

  3. Jul 1, 2023 · The first season of change is a change caused or brought about by pain, emotional or physical. As raw and agonizing as pain can be, it is a powerful motivator. It strips away complacency and confronts us with the urgent need for transformation.

  4. Life Transition Tips. No matter what's happening in your life it's likely you are experiencing one or more changes. It could be changes in your relationships, your family, your health, your home, your spiritual life, or your finances.

  5. Discover how the four seasons of life can help you embrace change and growth. This blog post explores the unique opportunities each season offers for personal development, from the power of rest in winter to the renewal of spring.

  6. Seasons of Change. By taking the time to sense into where you are on the Seasons of Change Spiral, you'll gain insights about your most effective actions, tasks that will bring you the most momentum, and natural metaphors that can bring you guidance and solace on your darkest and brightest days.

  7. Simple, powerful, immediately relevant and applicable—this is the value of Seasons of Change® for navigating through our ever-changing times. As it is based on the wisdom of nature, the Seasons of Change model offers a compelling and timeless understanding of change for my clients and me personally. Brilliant!