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  1. › wiki › Chinese_artChinese art - Wikipedia

    17 hours ago · e. Chinese art is visual art that originated in or is practiced in China, Greater China or by Chinese artists. Art created by Chinese residing outside of China can also be considered a part of Chinese art when it is based on or draws on Chinese culture, heritage, and history. Early " Stone Age art" dates back to 10,000 BC, mostly consisting of ...

  2. 17 hours ago · Lin Yi recently played Liu Yifei's boyfriend in "The Story of Rose" and became popular (left), he recently attended the Magnolia Award and sat in the same row with Hu Ge (right) and Tang Yan in "Flowers".

  3. 17 hours ago · In the sea of TV dramas, there are always some works that can leave a deep impression in the hearts of the audience with their unique plots and excellent casts. Recently, the high-profile new drama "Good Group...

  4. Jul 7, 2024 · 欧文的绿茵迁徙:探秘足坛游子的多彩足迹 提及欧文这个名字,足球迷们脑海中立刻会浮现出那位速度如风、射术精湛的英格兰前锋。迈克尔·欧文,这位曾经的金童,在其辉煌的职业生涯中,辗转多家俱乐部,每一次转会都伴随着故事与传奇。那么,欧文究竟在哪些球队留下了他的身影呢?从 ...

  5. Jul 7, 2024 · 德里克·怀特:从默默无闻到NBA赛场的闪耀星光 德里克·怀特的故事,是一段关于坚持、成长与自我超越的旅程。这位曾经名不见经传的篮球运动员,通过不懈的努力,从低谷中崛起,最终在NBA赛场上绽放出耀眼的光芒,证明了每个梦想都值得被全力以赴。 --- 在篮球的宇宙里,有那么一些星辰 ...

  6. Jul 7, 2024 · 绿茵传奇的数字密码:欧文的球衣号码探秘 在足球的世界里,每一件球衣都承载着故事,每一个号码背后都隐藏着一段传奇。提及迈克尔·欧文,这位昔日英格兰金童的风采依旧在球迷心中熠熠生辉。他的速度、技巧与进球能力曾让无数人为之倾倒,而他所穿的球衣号码,也成为了球迷们追随的符号 ...

  7. 17 hours ago · Untuk kegunaan lain lihat Bangsa Khitan Hanzi 契丹 Pinyin Qìdān atau Khitai adalah bangsa nomadik yang terletak di Mongoli