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  1. Jul 1, 2021 · Reckless or dangerous driving. According to section 64 of the RTA, anyone who drives a motor vehicle recklessly, or at a speed or manner which is dangerous to the public, is guilty of an offence. Driving without due care or reasonable consideration.

  2. An eddy, or slowly swirling pool of water, boosted Hurricane Ida that turned it from a weak hurricane into the dangerous Category 4 storm in Louisiana. Eddies are part of what's known as the Loop Current: a circular current rotating clockwise in the North Atlantic Ocean. These currents are easy to identify and retain a large amount of heat.

  3. The ocean is a huge body of water that is constantly in motion. General patterns of ocean flow are called currents. Sometimes theses currents can pinch off sections and create circular currents of water called an eddy.

  4. 1. a. : a current of water or air running contrary to the main current. especially : a circular current : whirlpool. b. : something moving similarly. 2. : a contrary or circular current (as of thought or policy) eddy. 2 of 2. verb. eddied; eddying. transitive verb. : to cause to move in an eddy. intransitive verb.

  5. Eddy's is a popular restaurant located in Hong Lim Market & Food Centre in Singapore. It is known for its delicious and affordable local cuisine. The restaurant has been around for more than 20 years and is a favourite among locals and tourists alike.

  6. An eddy is a movement of fluid that deviates from the general flow of the fluid. An example for an eddy is a vortex which produces such deviation. However, there are other types of eddies that are not simple vortices.

  7. Ocean mesoscale eddies are the “weather” of the ocean, with typical horizontal scales of less than 100 km and timescales on the order of a month. The mesoscale eddy field includes coherent vortices, as well as a rich cascade of other structures such as filaments, squirts and spirals (Fig. 1).

  8. Eddies are relatively small, contained pockets of moving water that break off from the main body of a current and travel independently of their parent. They can form in almost any part of a current, but are especially pronounced in western boundary currents.

  9. Wind shear is a form of atmospheric turbulence, defined as the rate of change of wind speed and/or direction over a given distance. The shearing of the wind creates forces that can produce eddies.

  10. Eddies are rotating masses of water in the ocean that typically form along the boundaries of ocean currents. In the Gulf of Alaska, eddies of warm water, filled with nutrients from shallow coastal water, mix with the cold water off the continental shelf.

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