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  1. › global › enChina - Roche

    Roche is the world’s leading biotech company with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and central nervous system diseases. Roche is also the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a front runner in diabetes management.


    上海罗氏制药有限公司 互联网药品信息服务资格证书编号:(沪)-非经营性-2024-0185. 公安联网备案 31011502007126号 本网站的内容仅供中国大陆地区的医疗卫生专业人士参考。. 免责声明:本网站旨在介绍公司的目标和愿景,并为阅览者提供基本的公司信息和研究 ...

  3. It is the first fully owned multinational pharmaceutical R&D center in Shanghai, now known as the Roche Innovation Center Shanghai (RICS). In 2019, a world class new RICS lab building with a total space of 26,000 square meters was completed after an investment of 863 million CNY.

  4. 罗氏制药中国. 罗氏与中国的渊源已有近百年,作为最早在中国开展业务的跨国企业之一,罗氏始终致力于为中国患者提供一流的差异化药物和创新解决方案。 1994年,上海罗氏制药有限公司在上海张江正式成立,成为首家入驻张江高科技园区的跨国企业,为中国患者提供抗肿瘤、抗感染、神经科学及眼科等多个关键治疗领域的突破性药品。 目前,罗氏在华拥有28款产品,覆盖8大治疗领域。 罗氏制药扎根中国30年,始终践行对中国的长期承诺。 在大型跨国药企中,罗氏率先建成并不断升级和完善端到端的完整医药价值产业链,包括:早期研发、药品开发、生产、营销以及开放合作,满足中国患者的未尽之需。 作为一家以创新为驱动的全球生物技术公司,罗氏坚持对研发的持续投入。

  5. CICoR (China Innovation Center of Roche), an autonomous R&D unit within the Roche Group, leverages the Chinese ecosystem and taps into the emerging science in China.

  6. › global › enChina Pharma - Roche

    Year 2018: Pharma China became one of the 8 key countries of Roche pharmaceutical. 400+ local scientists contributing to early development and clinical development. 122 patents have already been granted in China, US, EU and Japan.

  7. In China, we were the first multinational companies to open offices in the Zhangjihang Hi-Tech Park in China in 1994. Today 7,000 employees are working for Roche Pharma and Roche Diagnostics in China.

  8. Roche Accelerator marks an important transition for Roche from introducing globally-leading innovation into China to incubating innovation within China. Roche strives to make China a global innovation hub.

  9. 97% feel proud working in Roche. Roche Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. was established in August 2000. With the growing business and company scale, Roche Diagnostics China has become one of the market leaders in vitro diagnostics in China.

  10. Roche played an integral role in helping China understand how diagnostics could be the first line of defense against infections, and supported multiple stakeholders, from the authorities to labs and healthcare providers, to trial testing solutions and conduct epidemiologic investigations around the virus to better shape China’s pandemic ...