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  1. Michael Lustig retired after a 25-year career on Wall Street, and now devotes the majority of his time and energies toward non-profit & impact-related enterprises.

  2. Michael P. Lustig. Vice Chair for Planning and Resource Development. Michael Lustig retired after a 25-year career on Wall Street, and now devotes the majority of his time and energies toward non-profit & impact-related enterprises.

  3. Co-authors. John Pauly Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University. Shreyas Vasanawala Professor of Radiology, Stanford University. Martin Uecker Computer Science and Biomedical...

  4. Michael (Miki) Lustig. “I See The MRI”. Michael Lustig, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UC Berkeley. (c) Nogah Lustig 2013 (age 5) “We see kids with MRI”. Free breathing, dynamic contrast enhanced MRI.

  5. Michael Lustig retired after a 25-year career on Wall Street, and now devotes the majority of his time and energies toward non-profit & impact-related enterprises.

  6. Information. EECS Department University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 USA. E-mail: WWW: Research Interests. My research interests lie in the broad area of signal and image processing.

  7. In this blog, Michael P. Lustig explains how an Israeli social bank has used innovative models to fill the gap and support those who are underserved by the country’s traditional finance system.