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  1. ISHIKAWA Shin’ichiro. Prospective students are expected to have strong interests in application of corpus linguistics to language education and the research fields such as vocabulary studies, usage studies, semantics, analysis and development of teaching materials, and language testing.

  2. Dr. Shin'ichiro (Shin) Ishikawa is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the School of Languages & Communication, Kobe University, Japan. His research interests cover corpus linguistics,...

  3. Dr Shin'ichiro (Shin) Ishikawa is a Professor of Applied Linguistics at the School of Languages & Communication, Kobe University, Japan. His research interests cover corpus linguistics, statistical linguistics, TESOL, and SLA.

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    International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English annotated with Argumentative Structure and Sentence Reordering ("ICNALE-AS2R" corpus)

    This language resource is a collection of English learner essays which are excepted from ICNALE, based on two criteria: grammatical error free and moderately scored. The corpus consists of 434 essays. The corpus includes two layers of annotation.

    •The first layer is an argumentative structure annotation. In the argumentative structure annotation, sentences are first differentiated into argumentative and non-argumentative components; then, relations are established between argumentative components to form a hierarchical structure of the text. We refer the corpus with the first annotation layer as "ICNALE-AS."

    •The second layer is a sentence rearrangement annotation, which improves text coherence and organisation qualities. Rearrangement may cause irrelevant or incorrect referring and connective expressions. To correct these, text repair also follows after sentence rearrangement annotation, e.g., replacing pronouns with their referents or editing inappropriate connectives, to retain the original meaning of the text. We refer the corpus with the first and second annotation layers as "ICNALE-AS2R."

    The annotation was conducted using the TIARA annotation tool. To visualise the annotation, you may open the essays using the tool, which is available for free at the following site:

    Please cite all of the following papers when using the "ICNALE-AS" corpus in your study.

    Shinichiro Ishikawa. 2013. The ICNALE and Sophisticated Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis of Asian Learners of English. In Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World, vol 1, pp. 91–118.

    Shinichiro Ishikawa. 2018. The ICNALE Edited Essays: A Dataset for Analysis of L2 English Learner Essays Based on A New Integrative Viewpoint. In English Corpus Linguistics, vol 25, pp. 1–14.

    •Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Simone Teufel, Takenobu Tokunaga. 2021. Annotating Argumentative Structure in English-as-foreign-language Learner Essays. In Natural Language Engineering, pp. 1-27. DOI 10.1017/S1351324921000218.

    If you use the "ICNALE-AS2R" corpus, also cite the following paper on top of those three above.

    •Jan Wira Gotama Putra, Simone Teufel, Takenobu Tokunaga. 2023. Improving logical flow in English-as-a-foreign-language learner essays by reordering sentences. In Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol 320.

    The corpus is distributed through Gengo-Shigen-Kyokai ("Language Resources Association" in Japan). Please visit

    •html contains the annotated essay in TIARA internal format

    •tsv (ICNALE-AS) contains the essays annotated only with argumentative structure, in .tsv format

    •tsv (ICNALE-AS2R) contains the essays annotated with two layers of annotation: (1) argumentative structure and (2) sentence reordering followed by text repair.

    •essay_list.csv contains the list of annotated essays. This is useful for cross-checking

    •ICNALE-AS2R readme v2.pdf is this file

    •annotation_guideline.pdf is our annotation guideline

  4. Dr. Shin'ichiro (Shin) Ishikawa is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the School of Languages & Communication, Kobe University, Japan. His research interests cover corpus linguistics,...

  5. Prof.Ishikawa's research covers corpus linguistics and applied linguistics. After working as a lecturer at the University of Shizuoka, a lecturer at Hiroshima International University, and an assistant professor (associate professor) at Kobe University, he has been in his current position since 2004.

  6. Shinichiro Ishikawa is a pioneer in the anime industry. He founded Digimation in 1996 and GDH in 2000 which were merged to become GONZO Anime Studios where he has been serving as CEO since 2000.