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  1. Film Fund Luxembourg exists primarily to promote and foster an environment in which the country's film production industry can develop and flourish.

  2. The Film Fund's tasks are to encourage film and audiovisual creation and promote the development of the audiovisual production sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in particular through subsidies, financial aid, grants, allowances and awards... Read more.

  3. Film Fund Luxembourg was first established in 1990 and then restructured in 1999. It exists primarily to promote and foster an environment in which the country’s film production industry can develop and flourish.

  4. The Film Fund's tasks: encourage film and audiovisual creation and promote the development of the audiovisual production sector in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in particular through subsidies, financial aid, grants, allowances and awards; implement the government's support.

  5. Jun 13, 2024 · Le Fonds national de soutien à la production audiovisuelle (Fonspa) a pour mission d'encourager la création cinématographique et audiovisuelle et de promouvoir le développement du secteur de la production audiovisuelle au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg notamment par le biais de subventions, d'aides financières, de subsides, de ...

  6. The Film Fund Luxembourg's role is to manage the film industry in Luxembourg by setting the stage to make sure it has every chance to succeed. Although it is a niche market, Luxembourgish films have been paid off with a string of successes and rewards at national and international level for decades.

  7. Depuis 2003, le Fonds supervise l'organisation des Luxembourg Film Awards (Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis), qui récompensent les meilleures contributions cinématographiques du pays. Tous les deux ans depuis 2003, le tapis rouge accueille la fine fleur du cinéma luxembourgeois pour la cérémonie des Luxembourg Film Awards.