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  1. Vietnam War veteran SR-71 pilot Travis Morgan passed through a hole in the Earth's crust while flying over the north pole in 1969 and landed in the underground world of Skartaris, a place strongly reminiscent of Edgar Rice Burroughs's Pellucidar.

  2. Travis Morgan, the Warlord is a former combat-trained pilot for the United States Air Force who accidentally crash-landed in the strange land of Skartaris. Skartaris a world of swords, sorcery and dinosaurs, where he was forced to begin a new life for his own survival.[1]

  3. Travis Morgan was the Warlord of Shamballah. Morgan was once an Air Force pilot who came through the portal underneath the North Pole and stumbled upon Skartaris ― a tropical world in the core of the Earth.

  4. Travis Morgan is a US Air Force pilot who crash-landed in the fantasy realm of Skartaris and became a heroic leader. Learn about his origin, adventures, powers, and alternate versions in the DC Comics universe.

  5. Warlord (Volume 1) was a swords & sorcery adventure series published from February of 1976 until December of 1988. The series featured Travis Morgan as the world-lost Warlord and his adventures in...

  6. Voiced By: Paul Guilfoyle as Travis Morgan. First Appearance: "Chaos at the Earth's Core" Position: Messenger of the gods. Bio: Travis lured the Justice League to his home world, hoping they would help him, his warrior wife (Tara), and their mystical daughter (Jennifer) defeat Demos.

  7. Travis Morgan, also known as the Warlord, was a pirate captain who found himself to be the rival of fellow pirate Deathstroke. The two butted heads on multiple occasions.[1] When Warlord attempted to finally kill Deathstroke by surrounding his pirate ship, Morgan was killed by the metahuman he...