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  1. The entrance of FSI as a foreign investor and majority shareholder into Utilitas has formed a rapid expansion platform for UGI. Today UGI’s Management Board consists of three members – Kristjan Rahu, Priit Koit and Valdur Laid – who jointly make the investment decisions.

  2. Pärast 2018. lõpul toimunud välisinvestori kaasamist energiakontserni Utilitas arengusse, on UGI tegevus kiirelt laienemas. Ettevõtte juhatus on kolmeliikmeline – sinna kuuluvad Kristjan Rahu, Priit Koit ja Valdur Laid, kes üheskoos otsustavad UGI tehtavate investeeringute üle.

  3. Kristjan Rahu (sündinud 8. augustil 1972 Saare maakonnas) on eesti ettevõtja. Kristjan Rahu on lõpetanud 1995. aastal Tartu ülikooli (õigusteaduskonna) . Ta on Utilitas Eesti ASi juhatuse esimees ja Utilitas Tallinna Elektrijaam OÜ nõukogu esimees.

  4. Aug 5, 2019 · Kristjan Rahu is the founder of Lemonade Stand (Management) founded in 2019. Mr. Rahu is also the founder of UG Investments OÜ. Mr. Rahu's current job(s) include Chief Executive Officer at UG Investeeringud OÜ and Member-Supervisory Board at Utilitas OÜ.

  5. Kristjan Rahu, CEO of UG Investeeringud said: “We are delighted to join forces with Thermory, which is a global success story born in Estonia. We keep in high regard its ambition and capabilities, when it is adding in a sustainable way value to wood, an important renewable building material.”

  6. Feb 11, 2020 · Siim Teller, the leading partner, shared insights of early-stage funding. Lemonade Stand sprang from the long-term acquaintance of Berlin-based marketer Siim Teller and well-known entrepreneur Kristjan Rahu and their growing interest in the ideas of the new economy.

  7. Jul 14, 2020 · Kristjan Rahu, CEO of UG Investeeringud said: “We are delighted to join forces with Thermory, which is a global success story born in Estonia. We keep in high regard its ambition and capabilities when it is adding in a sustainable way value to wood, an important renewable building material.”