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  1. This document also defines the MediaStream API, which provides the means to control where multimedia stream data is consumed, and provides some control over the devices that produce the media. It also exposes information about devices able to capture and render media.

    • Overview
    • Constructor
    • Instance properties
    • Instance methods
    • Events
    • Browser compatibility
    • See also

    The MediaStream interface of the Media Capture and Streams API represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks, such as video or audio tracks. Each track is specified as an instance of MediaStreamTrack.

    You can obtain a MediaStream object either by using the constructor or by calling functions such as MediaDevices.getUserMedia(), MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(), or HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream() and HTMLMediaElement.captureStream().


    Creates and returns a new MediaStream object. You can create an empty stream, a stream which is based upon an existing stream, or a stream that contains a specified list of tracks (specified as an array of MediaStreamTrack objects).

    This interface inherits properties from its parent, EventTarget. Read only

    A Boolean value that returns true if the MediaStream is active, or false otherwise. Read only

    This interface inherits methods from its parent, EventTarget.


    Stores a copy of the MediaStreamTrack given as argument. If the track has already been added to the MediaStream object, nothing happens.


    Returns a clone of the MediaStream object. The clone will, however, have a unique value for id.



    Fired when a new MediaStreamTrack object is added.


    Fired when a MediaStreamTrack object has been removed.

    active Non-standard

    Fired when the MediaStream is activated.

    BCD tables only load in the browser with JavaScript enabled. Enable JavaScript to view data.

    •Using the MediaStream Recording API

    •WebRTC API

    •Web Audio API


  2. 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3) 410 2 _ ‎‡a Mediastream Dritte (Firm) ‏ 410 2 _ ‎‡a Mediastream Dritte Film GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG ‏

  3. Jan 15, 2024 · The API is based on the manipulation of a MediaStream object representing a flux of audio- or video-related data. See an example in Get the media stream. A MediaStream consists of zero or more MediaStreamTrack objects, representing various audio or video tracks.

  4. Jan 15, 2024 · The MediaStream Recording API makes it easy to record audio and/or video streams. When used with navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(), it provides an easy way to record from the user's input devices and instantly use the result in web apps.


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  6. May 31, 2012 · In this spec, references to MediaStream s and MediaInput s refer to the DOM-visible state, and references to media streams and input ports refer to the underlying real-time media stream graph. A stream is an abstraction of a time-varying video and/or audio signal.