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  1. Mar 27, 1997 · A country’s electoral system has a profound effect on its politics; its citizens ought therefore to ask themselves at frequent intervals whether that currently in force is satisfactory. This book does not argue for a particular answer, but aims to help people think about the question.

  2. Jun 12, 2019 · Electoral reform often only catches the public eye when it involves changes to representational arrangements, such as electoral systems, but it is a much broader concept than this. There are three distinct areas of electoral reform; an EMB and its stakeholders may play different roles in each.

  3. Pierre Lortie, 1993 16-1 Canadian Parliamentary Review, 1993 CanLIIDocs 283

  4. The Principles of Electoral Reform by Pierre Lortie The Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing was established by the Government of Canada in November 1989. Its mandate was to inquire and report on the appropriate principles, processes and rules that should govern the election of members of the House of Commons and

  5. Unlike ‘the Alternative Vote’, ‘the Wasted Vote’ is not the name of an electoral system. It is, rather, a phrase whose meaning is highly uncertain, though much in use by advocates of AV and STV. It was said at the end of Chapter 9 that AV is not based on any clear principle.

  6. Nation-building. In less democratic countries, elections are often demanded by dissidents; therefore the most basic electoral-reform project in such countries is to achieve a transfer of power to a democratically elected government with a minimum of bloodshed, e.g. in South Africa in 1994.

  7. Nov 29, 2011 · A thorough and accessible overview of all the major choices in electoral system design, with a primary focus on developing countries. However, the themes are relevant to any democracy, and specific, short case studies cover each of the major cases of actual or proposed reform in advanced democracies. Scheiner, Ethan.