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  1. Feb 27, 2017 · So you can look back at the last 15 years of your love life and ask what the hell have you been doing, but when you do make sure you put it in this perspective. Marriage is about doing life with someone.

  2. Mar 26, 2019 · In Doing Life with Your Adult Children, bestselling author and parenting expert Jim Burns provides practical advice and hopeful encouragement for navigating this tough yet rewarding transition. If you've raised a child, you know that parenting doesn't stop when they turn eighteen.

    • Live every day with a fresh new start. Don’t be held back by what happened yesterday, the day before, the week before, the year before, or even decades ago.
    • Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or to be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself rather than be an exact duplicate of someone else.
    • Quit complaining. Don’t be like the howling dog, always howling and never doing anything. Stop complaining about your problems and work on them instead.
    • Be proactive. Stop waiting for others around you to do something and take action yourself instead.
    • Overview
    • Clear your min
    • Think back to times when your life felt meaningfu
    • Identify a goa
    • Make a plan to achieve your goa
    • Take steps to stick to your pla
    • Take stock of your achievement
    • Think of what you’re grateful fo
    • Help other peopl
    • Take a break from social medi

    Everyone finds themselves in a slump now and then, especially when they feel like progress is hard or that they don’t know what their next move is. The good news is that you don’t have to feel like you’re on track 24/7. The better news is that getting back on track doesn’t have to be all that tricky. We’ve come through with 13 profound (and profoundly simple) tips that’ll help you take stock of your life and surge forward with newfound motivation and a clear direction.

    Think back on moments you consider meaningful in your life and ask yourself why they were meaningful to pinpoint what you value and what you want.

    Identify a long-term or short-term goal, then break it down into simple, achievable steps to help you make progress and find direction.

    Connect with friends, family, or a community like volunteer workers or a sports club. Social engagement is a shortcut to feeling fulfilled.

    Take a few deep breaths to help you think straight.

    If you’re asking yourself, “What am I doing with my life?” chances are you’ve got quite the mental burden. Before you tackle that burden head-on,

    so that your mind is in order and you don’t have any unhelpful thoughts rattling around up there and distracting you.

    is a great way to silence brain static and get focused.

    Remind yourself of what makes you feel fulfilled.

    Try to remember any moment in your life when you felt accomplished, or even just content. Then, ask yourself, what were you doing? Who were you with? Were you working toward something? Why do you think the experience was meaningful?

    Answering these questions will give you valuable hints as to how you might recapture that sense of meaning.

    For example, if you felt content because you were with someone, it may be that your key to meaning is social connections. If you felt accomplished after overcoming some sort of adversity, you might need a good challenge or goal to motivate you.

    Write down something you want to strive for, and why.

    It could be a long-term goal, like becoming a professional artist, or even a short-term goal, like meeting new people. Whatever it is, make it something that excites you—something you want for yourself, not just something that sounds like what you think you should want.

    If you can’t think of anything, start with something small, like going for a walk every day, or seeing a new movie each week. Having something to look forward to goes a long way toward giving you a sense of direction.

    If you can, tell someone about your goal. Externalizing it makes it more real, and motivates you to work toward it.

    Break your goal down into simple steps.

    You’re not going to become a successful artist overnight, that’s why it’s a goal! But you can set aside a few minutes each day to practice, or look into classes to improve your skills. Think of what you can do right now to move toward your goal, and then what you can do after that, and after that—before you know it, you’ve got a roadmap!

    helps make your bigger goals much more approachable, which makes you more likely to follow through on them. Even making a plan for small goals helps kick your mind into problem-solving mode, getting you on your feet and feeling better.

    wikiHow Quiz: What Kind of Reality Check Do I Need?

    Hold yourself accountable for following through on your goal.

    Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to practice. Sign up for that class to make it a reality. It’s not enough to simply make a plan—follow that plan, too! Take the first step, and the second and third will follow. Once you get your feet wet and your experience starts building, you’ll find that your motivation builds, too.

    Remind yourself of how far you’ve come already.

    It’s easy to be down on yourself when all you’re thinking about is what you haven’t done rather than everything you’ve already overcome. Being kind to yourself is vital to feeling content and purposeful.

    Think back on your achievements and make a list of them, then spend some time

    for making it so far.

    Your achievements don’t have to be grand. Even achievements you think are small, like landing a job or finding an apartment—even just living as long as you have—are meaningful and important.

    To help you identify your accomplishments, ask yourself: What makes me feel satisfied? What am I most proud of?

    Keep a gratitude journal to focus on the good things in your life.

    Making a conscious effort to be more grateful for the positives in your life is a proven way to boost your long-term mood.

    And it’s easy to do—start by writing down everything around you that you’re grateful for: your home, your friends, your next meal. Or, at the end of each day,

    where you write down everything that happened to you that day that you’re grateful for, and why.

    For example, a journal entry might read: “Today I saw a bird I’d never seen before and stopped to admire it. I’m glad there are such interesting animals all around me to enjoy.”

    To help get your imagination going, ask: Who’s been kind to me recently? What’s made me smile? What makes life easier for me?

    Find satisfaction by lending a hand.

    One powerful and effective way to lead a meaningful life is using your time to connect with and aid other people. You don’t have to

    start an entire food bank

    (though you could if you like!), but try volunteering at one for an hour or two each week. Or, sign up for a community cleanup day, where you can meet other people while doing a good deed. Making tangible change with your hands is a great way to feel purposeful.

    by handing out groceries or gift cards to those in need.

    Or, ask your local old folks’ home if you can come in and talk with the residents. Retirement homes are often grateful for anyone looking to give some care, however small, to their clients, and the residents will appreciate a listening ear.

    Avoid comparing yourself to others online.

    Social media tends to show you the best parts of other people’s lives, which can leave you feeling crummy about your own.

    Online, it’s easier to forget that everyone else struggles with direction and other mental health troubles from time to time.

    Take a social media break

    by logging off of Instagram, Twitter, or any other accounts for at least a week.

    After a week, ask yourself if your short-term cleanse helped you feel any better. If it did, do it again for another week, or consider an indefinite break.

  3. May 14, 2021 · How To Do Life. Career. How-to-Do-Life Tips. 41 ideas on personal growth, relationships, work, and more. Posted May 14, 2021|Reviewed by Kaja Perina. Source: Gratuit, CC 3.0, freeimageslive....

  4. Aug 4, 2021 · Opening up to what life is like offers a place of raw and truthful communication. It is only in genuinely living out life alongside one another that we can tap into that experience of deep joy...

  5. Nov 19, 2021 · What does it mean to be stuck in life? How can you get mentally unstuck? Feeling your life is stuck doesn't have to be permanent. Here's how to cope.