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  1. Oct 25, 2017 · An easy life is not something you get because you pray for it or fight for it, the ease comes when you practice self-actualization and achieve peace of mind. Life is not meant to be hard or something to fight against but many of us are stuck in a story about how hard our life is. This negative mindset creates so much of the difficulty in our lives.

    • Develop Good Routines
    • Practice Self-Care
    • Don’T Take Anything Personally
    • Let Go of Toxic People
    • Stop Trying to Please People
    • Learn How to Say No
    • Always Be Honest
    • Take Responsibility For Your Actions and Mistakes
    • Practice Patience
    • Accept Disappointment in Life

    Every day starts with a good routine. This is a time for you to add valueto your life, motivate you to stay organized, focus on self-care, and practice healthy habits. You can create both a morning or night routine to increase productivity and growth.

    Let’s touch a bit more on self-care. Spending 15 or 30 minutes a day taking care of yourself will lead to an easier life. How? Instead of feeling stressed out that you aren’t able to set some time aside to do the things you love, you can embrace this time to focus on you.

    Not taking things personally is an essential part of making your life easier, as well as the lives of others. Remember that other people’s behavior is not always about you, it’s about them. By not allowing it to affect you, and staying true to yourself- will keep your mind at ease. You will be ready to face any situation that is presented to you.

    Toxic people bring you down and have the power to add negativity to your life. Take away that power. Often, toxic people aren’t aware that they are toxic. But you are aware, and you can make your life easier by letting them go. This person could even be a family member or friend, which could make letting them go much more difficult. Remind yourself...

    Do you find yourself constantly seeking approval from people, by agreeing with them or doing things for them? Stop trying to seek the approval of others and stay true to your own values. You can’t make everyone happy in life, especially when it causes you to sacrifice your own needs.

    Speaking of people-pleasing, do you also find it hard to say no…even when you REALLY want to? Do you feel guilty about saying no, to the point where you end up agreeing to something or committing to things you may not have time for? You’re not alone. Most people find it hard to say no. But you can make your life so much easier, by learning the powe...

    This goes for yourself and others. Honestly really is the best policy, and learning how to truly live by your truth with lead you down the right path. There are many benefits to being honest, such as earning the trust of others, the ability to be proud of yourself, less stress- the list goes on.

    We all make mistakes sometimes, it’s what makes us human. The truth is, it’s all about how you react to your mistakes and how you take ownership of them. For example, say you made a mistake at work that ended up costing the company. Would it be easier to accept responsibility and be honest with your boss, or would you try to cover it up? If you cho...

    We could all use a bit more patience in our lives. Try not to let the little things get to you. Easier said than done, but when you practice patience, you are able to remain calm and collected in every situation. This will have a positive effect on your mentalwell-being.

    Disappointments are bound to occur in our lives. People may disappoint us, and we may disappoint ourselves. The point is to accept disappointment as a part of life. Try not to take these disappointments to heart, keep in mind that everyone is still changing and growing.

    • Declutter your home. Having a house full of stuff is the opposite of living a simple life. If you’re looking for a great first step to take toward living more simply, consider decluttering your space.
    • Buy less stuff. And once you’ve decluttered? If you want to live a simple life, don’t let yourself fill it back up with stuff. Instead, try to be more intentional about the things you buy.
    • Unplug more often. Many of us are constantly distracted by electronics. Between your cell phone, your laptop, the television, and the smart devices throughout your home, it can feel like you’re always connected – like it’s impossible to truly unplug.
    • Enjoy simpler meals. Our diet is one area where many of us could benefit from embracing a little more simplicity. Living a simple life can also extend to your kitchen.
  2. Jun 28, 2024 · Bruce Lee — ‘Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one’.

  3. Jan 5, 2018 · There is no such thing as an easy life; the reason why you’re afraid to chase your passions is the fact that they’re exceptional, profound and significant.

  4. › wiki › An_easy_lifeAn Easy Life - Wikipedia

    An Easy Life (Russian: Лёгкая жизнь, romanized: Lyоgkaya zhizn') is a 1964 satirical Soviet comedy film directed by Veniamin Dorman. It was seen by 24.6 million Soviet moviegoers during its initial release.

  5. Jun 18, 2014 · An easy life and a life of ease are not the same thing. Keep reading to learn more about the difference, why it matters, and how to cultivate the latter.