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  1. Oct 2, 2020 · The qualities of a good father include: Spending time actively involved with your kids. Modeling the behavior you expect in them. Taking ownership when you make mistakes. Limiting their time on technology. Treating their mother with dignity. He practices being a good listener. Understanding that our kids may have different opinions.

    • Protective. One of the essential qualities of a father or any parent is that protective instinct. As soon as you become a dad, you must help protect your child and care for them at any cost.
    • Dependable. As a dad, it’s essential to be there for your children. It’s one of the key attributes of a good father. This could be when they are a newborn, and you start to teach them you will always be there through the dirtiest of diapers and the roughest of nights or as they get older and you show up for their sports or plays.
    • Interested. Sometimes it’s hard to understand our children or listen to them talk about the importance of this toy over their latest TV show, but it’s essential to show interest in their interests and listen to them as they talk to you.
    • Honest. Honesty doesn’t mean that you speak to your child as an adult. Instead, it means that you keep your word to your child. If you say you will be somewhere and miss it, tell them why.
    • A Good Dad Loves and Protects His Kid’s Mom. This is first and foremost on the list because it’s the most important. If you’re divorced or a single dad this is going to look a little different for you.
    • A Good Dad Provides for His Family. If you asked most guys what they felt their primary role as a father was, more likely than not they’re going to say it’s to provide.
    • A Good Dad is a Disciplinarian. You never have to teach kids how to lie and be bad. They just know how to do all of that. But you have to teach them how to be good.
    • A Good Dad is Not Focused on Raising Good Kids but Good Adults. Your kid is going to spend more time as an adult than as a kid. As a dad, your focus shouldn’t be on raising good kids but on raising good adults who are productive members of society.
  2. Many things go into the making of a good father, but there are a few traits that stand out above the rest. Read on to learn all about what makes the best sort of dad.

    • Wesley Baines
    • Cherish your time with them. One thing that will amaze you is how quickly the years will fly. My oldest daughter is 15, which means I have three short years with her before she leaves the nest.
    • It gets easier. Others may have different experiences, but I’ve always found the first couple of months the most difficult, when the baby is brand new and wants to feed at all hours of the night and you often have sleepless nights and walk around all day like zombies.
    • Don’t look at anything as “mom” duties — share responsibilities. While there are a lot of good things from our grandparents’ day that we should bring back, the traditional dad/mom split of parenting duties isn’t one of them.
    • Love conquers all. This one sounds corny, but it should be at the center of your dad operating philosophy: above all, show your children love. When you’re upset, instead of yelling, show them love.
  3. Nov 1, 2023 · Explore the characteristics that distinguish great dads and the vital lessons they offer. Fatherhood is where adaptability and empathy reign supreme. Delve into the art of parenting, a blend of science and heart, and uncover the true essence of being a great dad.

  4. Aug 30, 2022 · What makes a dad a great dad? He Has A Growth Mindset. A great dad never stops improving. He has a growth mindset–believing that hard work makes you better. Great dads embrace the difficult, seek learning opportunities, and look at failure as a chance to get better.