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  1. Anatoly Sergeyevich Kulikov ( Russian: Анатолий Серге́евич Кулико́в; born 4 September 1946) is a Russian General of the Army, former Interior Minister of Russia (19951998). In 1992 Kulikov became Commander of the Interior Troops.

  2. Anatoly Kulikov joined the Quantum Device Lab as a PostDoc in January 2021 with focus on quantum communication using superconducting circuits.

  3. Anatoly Kulikov joined the Quantum Device Lab as a PostDoc in January 2021 with focus on quantum communication using superconducting circuits. After receiving his BSc and MSc degrees in theoretical physics from St. Petersburg State University, he joined the SQD Lab in the University of Queensland, Australia for PhD to work with in-situ control ...

  4. Anatoly Kulikov. Anatoly has completed his thesis on "In situ quantum control over superconducting qubits" and joined Quantum Device Lab at ETH Zürich. Anatoly have graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, in 2015.

    • The Search For A Com­Prom­Ise
    • Thirty-​Metre Va­Cuum
    • Large-​Scale En­Tan­Gle­Ment

    How­ever, the re­search­ers need a soph­ist­ic­ated test fa­cil­ity for this. Be­cause for the Bell test to be truly loophole-​free, they must en­sure that no in­form­a­tion can be ex­changed between the two en­tangled cir­cuits be­fore the quantum meas­ure­ments are com­plete. Since the fast­est that in­form­a­tion can be trans­mit­ted is at the s...

    Wallraff’s team has built an im­press­ive fa­cil­ity in the un­der­ground pas­sage­ways of the ETH cam­pus. At each of its two ends is a cryo­stat con­tain­ing a su­per­con­duct­ing cir­cuit. These two cool­ing ap­par­at­uses are con­nec­ted by a 30-​metre-long tube whose in­terior is cooled to a tem­per­at­ure just above ab­so­lute zero (–273.15°C...

    After eval­u­at­ing more than one mil­lion meas­ure­ments, the re­search­ers have shown with very high stat­ist­ical cer­tainty that Bell’s in­equal­ity is vi­ol­ated in this ex­per­i­mental setup. In other words, they have con­firmed that quantum mech­an­ics also al­lows for non-​local cor­rel­a­tions in mac­ro­scopic elec­trical cir­cuits and con...

  5. The photographs show the Quantum Device Lab team led by Prof. Andreas Wallraff. The team consists of postdoctoral scientists, PhD students, undergraduate students (including Semester-/Summer students) and management & technical collaborators.

  6. May 10, 2023 · In the following decades, experiments relying on fewer and fewer assumptions were performed 19, 20, 21, until loophole-free Bell inequality violations, which close all major loopholes ...