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  1. He enlisted the services of the Nazi Party 's SA as an auxiliary force for the Reichswehr from 1931 onward. Beginning in 1932, Schleicher served as Minister of Defence in the cabinet of Franz von Papen. Schleicher organized the downfall of Papen and succeeded him as Chancellor on 3 December.

  2. Jun 26, 2024 · Kurt von Schleicher was a German army officer and the last chancellor of the Weimar Republic, an opponent of Adolf Hitler in 1932–33. Joining the German military in 1900, Schleicher attached himself to the newly created Reichswehr in 1919 and by 1929 was a major general in charge of an office in.

  3. Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher war ein deutscher General und Politiker. Von Anfang Dezember 1932 bis Ende Januar 1933 amtierte er als letzter Reichskanzler der Weimarer Republik. Nachdem er im Kaiserreich der preußischen Armee angehört hatte, erreichte Schleicher in der Weimarer Republik eine Schlüsselstellung im ...

  4. Kurt von Schleicher (1882-1934) was the last man to be German Chancellor during the Weimar Republic, the era before the rise to the Chancellorship of Adolf Hitler. As one of Germany’s most prominent generals in the years after World War I, he exercised considerable power.

  5. Kurt von Schleicher, 18821934, German general. A leading Reichswehr (army) figure after World War I, Schleicher wielded great power in the years before Adolf Hitler came to power (1933). He was war minister in the cabinet of Franz von Papen, whom he succeeded as chancellor of Germany in Dec., 1932.

  6. Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher (7 April 1882 ; Brandenburg an der Havel - 30 June 1934 ; Babelsburg) was chancellor of Germany in the last days of the Weimar Republic, before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor and Führer ( dictator ).

  7. Kurt von Schleicher. (© Bundesarchiv, Bild 136-B0228 / Foto: Tellgmann) 1882-1934. German officer, last rank: General of the Infantry.

  8. Kurt Ferdinand Friedrich Hermann von Schleicher was a German general and the penultimate chancellor of Germany during the Weimar Republic. A rival for power with Adolf Hitler, Schleicher was murdered by Hitler's SS during the Night of the Long Knives in 1934.

  9. Kurt von Schleicher and Weimar Politics Peter Hayes Yale University More than forty years after his assassination by the Nazis, General Kurt von Schleicher remains a controversial, puzzling figure. Histo-rians have scarcely improved on the conflicting contemporary characterizations of the man who rose in fourteen years from an

  10. 22. Januar: Hinter dem Rücken von Schleicher verhandelt Papen im Auftrag von Hindenburg mit Hitler über dessen Berufung zum Reichskanzler. 28. Januar: Schleicher erklärt nach einem Gespräch mit Hindenburg den Rücktritt seiner Regierung.