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  1. Alppila Upper Secondary School was founded in 1959 and is situated near the city centre. Not all our students live in Helsinki, as quite a few come from the nearby regions. The first-year students come here from more than 40 comprehensive schools in the metropolitan area.

  2. Alppila Upper Secondary School. We are a Finnish-language general upper secondary school with a special emphasis on global citizenship. Contact information. Visiting address: Viipurinkatu 21, 00510 Helsinki Show accessibility information View location on service map. Telephone number: +358 9 310 88512. Service language: Finnish Swedish.

  3. Alppila Upper Secondary School (Finnish: Alppilan Lukio) is a school located in Helsinki, Finland. The school was founded in 1959. The current principal is Susanna Kalmari.

  4. Alppilan lukio on osa UNESCO Associated School Network -verkostoa ja olemme aktiivisesti mukana BalticSeaProjectissa. Alppila on akkreditoitu Erasmus+ -ohjelmaan, joten meillä on erinomaiset resurssit osallistua kansainvälisiin projekteihin.

  5. Alppila Upper Secondary School. The renovation of Alppila High School began in 2017 and the building was completed by the autumn semester of 2019. The building represents the architecture of the 50s, the design language of which served as the starting point for our loose furniture design.

  6. Alppilan lukiossa rohkaisemme ja ohjaamme opiskelijoita ottamaan globaalin näkökulman ja toimimaan aktiivisesti erilaisten kansainvälisten ja yhteiskunnallisten teemojen parissa. Opiskelija syventyy erilaisiin vaikuttamisen keinoihin vastuullisena kansalaisena ja ymmärtää valintojensa seuraukset.

  7. Alppila Upper Secondary School is a school located in Helsinki, Finland. The school was founded in 1959. The current principal is Susanna Kalmari. There are around 700 students.[1]