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  1. The Saint Sava National College (Romanian: Colegiul Național Sfântul Sava), Bucharest, named after Sabbas the Sanctified, is the oldest and one of the most prestigious high schools in Romania. It was founded in 1694, under the name of the Royal Academy of Bucharest.

  2. Colegiul Național „Sfântul Sava” (CNSS) este o instituție de învățământ preuniversitar de prestigiu din București, România. Este descendentul direct al Academiei Domnești , divizate în 1864 de domnitorul Alexandru Ioan Cuza în Universitatea din București și prezentul colegiu.

  3. Colegiul Național „Sfântul Sava”. Evenimente. Istoric. Elevi. Orarul elevilor in anul scolar 2023 – 2024. Burse 2023 – 2024. EFECTIVE CLASELE a IX-a 2023- 2024. Bacalaureat. Bacalaureat 2023.

    • Saint Sava National College1
    • Saint Sava National College2
    • Saint Sava National College3
    • Saint Sava National College4
    • Saint Sava National College5
  4. The Saint Sava National College (Romanian: Colegiul Național Sfântul Sava), Bucharest, is the oldest and the one of the most prestigious high schools in Romania.

  5. Jan 28, 2021 · With the support of the entire Serbian community united around the project of vital importance for its spiritual and national being in Australia and New Zealand, the Saint Sava College was inaugurated on January 27, 2021, on the feast day of Saint Sava, the first Serbian Archbishop and Enlightener.

  6. The Saint Sava National College ( Colegiul Național Sfântul Sava) is the oldest and one of the most prestigious high schools in Bucharest, Romania. The College is the direct descendant of the Princely Academy of Saint Sava, which was divided in 1864 by Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza into the University of Bucharest and the present high school.

  7. › sfântul-sava-national-collegeM#6 Sf. Sava | mazzocchioo

    Sfântul Sava National College is one of the oldest and most prestigious educa-tional institutions in Bucharest, founded in 1864. The building is located near General H.M. Berthelot and Știrbei Vodă streets, close to Saint Joseph Cathe-dral and Victoriei Street.