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  1. General Introduction. China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing is a national key university directly supervised by China Ministry of Education, which has been listed into the...

  2. China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing is a national key university directly supervised by China Ministry of Education, which has been listed into the national “211 Project”, the...

  3. 版权所有:中国矿业大学(北京) 京公网安备:110402430067号. icp备案:京icp备05066826号 学校地址:北京市海淀区学院路丁11号

  4. 中国矿业大学北京)(英文China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing),简称“中国矿大(北京)”, [18]位于中国北京, [1]是由中华人民共和国教育部主管的全日制普通高等学校。 [22]也是全国重点高校、国家“211工程”、“985优势学科创新平台项目”、“双一流”建设高校,为教育部与原国家安全生产监督管理总局共建高校。 [1] [10] 中国矿业大学(北京)的前身是 焦作路矿学堂 ,始建于1909年。 1931年,更名为私立焦作工学院。 1938年,学校西迁并与东北大学、北洋大学、北平大学的工学院联合组建国立西北工学院。 1946年,焦作工学院复校并于1949年回迁焦作。 1950年学校迁至天津,更名为中国矿业学院。

  5. The China University of Mining and Technology ( CUMT; 中国矿业大学) is a public university located in Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China. It is affiliated with the Ministry of Education, and co-sponsored with the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Emergency Management.

  6. China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing is a national key university directly supervised by China Ministry of Education, which has been listed into the national “211 Project” and the...

  7. Later, in 1950, it was moved to the metropolis of Tianjin and then to Beijing, and renamed the China University of Mining and Technology. CUMT offers about 60 different undergraduate degree courses, with a smaller number of master’s and doctoral courses available.