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  1. Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications and Technology Committee of Xiaomi Group Visit GZU for Exchange. Professor Li Jianjun Nominated for the Second Guizhou Outstanding...

  2. Guizhou University ( 贵州大学) is a provincial public university located in suburban Guiyang, Guizhou, China. It is affiliated with the Province of Guizhou and is co-funded by the Guizhou Provincial People's Government and the Ministry of Education. The university is part of Project 211 and the Double First-Class Construction. [3] .

  3. Guizhou University has a rich history of promoting virtue through education and is committed to its mission of fostering talented minds. This mission is reflected in the University's motto:...

  4. 初夏时节,紫云自治县土红坡茶业有限公司的示范茶园迎来了一群特殊的客人。斯里兰卡国家茶叶研究所所长Keerthi Mohotti博士,佩拉德尼亚大学农学院院长Sarath Kodithuwakku教授等来自斯里兰卡的茶专家和学生们现场考察,连连赞叹:“原来一杯干净贵州茶的背后,是一张绿色防控的‘天罗地网’!

  5. Learn more about studying at Guizhou University including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.

  6. Apr 30, 2024 · 贵州大学 ,简称 贵大 ,1902年由 贵州巡抚 邓华熙于 贵阳 创办,肇始于1735年,是一所综合大学。 1942年5月, 行政院 决议归并国立贵州农工学院,成立 国立贵州大学 。 1950年10月定名为贵州大学。 1953年全国高等院系调整,将文理学院大部分并入 贵阳师范学院 ,部分工科专业并入 重庆大学 ,农学类并入 西南农业大学 ,外文系调入 四川大学 ,工学院各系调入 云南大学 ,法学系调入 西南政法学院 ,经济系调入 西南财经学院 。 院系调整后,贵州大学于1954年在原国立贵州大学校址建立了贵州农学院。 1958年7月3日,贵阳师范学院恢复重建,贵州大学与贵阳师范学院分校,以1953年调整到贵阳师范学院的贵州大学文理学院为基本构架进行复校。

  7. 贵州大学Guizhou University),简称贵大”,位于贵州省贵阳市是教育部与贵州省人民政府以部为主部省合建高校是国家双一流”、“211工程建设高校

  8. Guizhou University is ranked #1303 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. Read more about how...

  9. Find the latest world rank for Guizhou University and key information for prospective students..

  10. Oct 24, 2022 · May 2024: Guizhou University ranks 942 in the latest CWUR Center for World University Rankings from CWUR Center for World University Rankings. April 2024: ShanghaiRanking Consultancy announced latest results of BCUR Best Chinese Universities Ranking - ShanghaiRanking with Guizhou University in position 95.