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  1. › wiki › GiampietrinoGiampietrino - Wikipedia

    Giampietrino was a productive painter of large altarpieces, Madonnas, holy women in half figure, and mythological women. For a long time, the true identity of the artist was unknown; he was only known as a so-called "Giampietrino" whose name appeared in lists of the members of Leonardo's studio.

  2. › wiki › GiampietrinoGiampietrino - Wikipedia

    Giovan Pietro Rizzoli, talvolta Ricci o Rizzo, detto Giampietrino (1480/1485 – 1553), è stato un pittore italiano, attivo tra il 1508 ed il 1549 a Milano, allievo di Leonardo Da Vinci ed esponente della scuola rinascimentale lombarda.

  3. A painting by the Milanese follower of Leonardo da Vinci, inspired by a set of engravings by Rosso Fiorentino. Learn more about the artist, the subject, and the provenance of this oil on wood artwork from the sixteenth century.

  4. Giampietrino (fl. 1508-1549) was a follower of Leonardo da Vinci, who may have been his pupil in Milan. He painted copies of Leonardo's works, such as the Last Supper, and was himself copied by other artists.

  5. Giampietrino active about 1500 - 1550 Little is known about Giampietrino and the very use of this name is conjectural, it having been applied to a group of paintings as a result of its appearance in Leonardo's 'Codex Atlanticus' in a list of Leonardo's pupils.

  6. Giampietrinos oeuvre oscillates between the sacred and the profane: in works such as the present panel he depicted female saints in a sensual manner; this approach was to inspire Correggio and Lombard Seicento painting (see C. Geddo, Una nuova Maddalena del Giampietrino, Cinisello Balsamo 2009, p. 291).

  7. Giampietrino, probably Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, was a north Italian painter of the Lombard school and Leonardo's circle, succinctly characterized by Sidney J. Freedberg as an...