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  1. Valerio Magrelli (born 10 January 1957, Rome) is an Italian poet. He graduated in philosophy at the University of Rome and is an expert in French literature which he has taught and teaches at the University of Pisa and University of Cassino .

  2. Valerio Magrelli è un poeta, scrittore, francesista, traduttore e critico letterario italiano. Laureato in filosofia presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma, è un esperto di letteratura francese, materia che insegna presso l'Università degli Studi Roma Tre. All'età di ventitré anni debuttò come autore con una raccolta di ...

  3. Valerio Magrelli is a professor of French literature at the University of Cassino and a frequent contributor to the cultural pages of several Italian dailies. He is the author of four prize-winning poetry collections, and his poems have been translated into English, French, Spanish,and a number of…

  4. Valerio Magrelli, still in his early forties, a lecturer in French at the University of Cassino, is one of the foremost poets of his generation in Italy, and already the profile of his work stands out securely against a wider span.

  5. Valerio Magrelli. Nato a Roma nel 1957, Valerio Magrelli ha pubblicato le raccolte di versi: Ora serrata retinae (Feltrinelli, 1980), Nature e venature (Mondadori, 1987), Esercizi di tiptologia (Mondadori, 1992), riunite nel volume intitolato Poesie e altre poesie (Einaudi, 1996), Didascalie per la lettura di un giornale (Einaudi, 1999 ...

  6. Valerio Magrelli (Rome, 1957) is the author of four poetry collections, for which he has won the Mondello Prize, the Viareggio Prize for poetry, and the Montale Prize. In November 2003 the Accademia dei Lincei awarded him the Premio Antonio Feltrinelli.

  7. Valerio Magrelli, now in his mid-forties, is no longer a promising poet but an established one. His debut performance was the most assured and exciting one in Italian letters sinceMontale's Cuttlefish Bones, and expectation levels for him remain high.