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  1. 共141页. 蔡澜_新浪博客,蔡澜,粿 汁,炒糕粿,猪肠胀糯米,牛肉丸,网上交友,蔡澜笑话.走私专家的故事,蔡澜笑话.志强和淑贞,旅行伴侣,怪现象,蔡澜 ...

  2. Dec 9, 2021 · I am playing a city elf and when you meet Cailan, there are some dialogue options where he states he’s never been to an Alienage and is completely ignorant of what happens there. A good king wouldn’t be ignorant about a whole segment of his population. Basically, I see Cailan as a privileged frat boy.

  3. Cailan marrying Celene (supposing both are fertile and a child could be produced) would very likely spell the end of Ferelden. It would take a hundred years to really get started, but it would be all but unavoidable. The fact that Cailan couldn't see that is part of why he was a terrible king. edit: names lol

  4. Aug 24, 2022 · Cailan is generally naïve and quick to trust. A city elf player can see he has no idea how bad things are in the alienages, and he trusts Loghain implicitly despite Loghain's paranoia about Orlais overriding his common sense and making him argue constantly with Cailan.

  5. The Grey Wardens battle beside the king of Ferelden to stem the tide of evil!”. Cailan Theirin (born 9:05 Dragon), son of King Maric Theirin and Queen Rowan Guerrin, became the King of Ferelden after the sudden disappearance of his father in 9:25 Dragon...

  6. Dec 15, 2012 · Loghain abandoned Cailan because that was the strategically sound decision. The darkspawn horde was too large than they had supposed it would be. Cailan would have died anyway, rushing to his side would have meant the slaughter of Loghain, Cauthrien and the remaining force of ferelden.

  7. Sep 12, 2015 · An easy and delicious stir-fry recipe for Chinese broccoli (kailan) with garlic and oyster sauce, this is ready in under 15 minutes, which makes it perfect for busy days. This stir-fry sauce can be used to cook many of your favourite Asian greens.

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