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  1. Entry. Schengen visa ("business visa" short-term stay up to 90 days) You come from a non-EU country and would like to visit Germany on a business trip? Then you have to apply for a Schengen visa with the German representation in your country of origin or residence.

  2. From fishing village to metropolis. Dusseldorp, a small village on the Düssel estuary which was granted its town charter in 1288, has developed over more than seven centuries into a cosmopolitan metropolis: Düsseldorf on the Rhine. State capital of the most populous federal state North Rhine-Westphalia since 1946, Düsseldorf presents itself ...

  3. Düsseldorf International. Liveable and loveable, modern and multicultural, traditional and tolerant – Düsseldorf is diverse and has so much to offer. Welcome to the State capital of North Rhine-Westphalia.

  4. Amongst the most popular of these are the . But don’t be fooled into thinking that is all the city has to offer: Düsseldorf’s 50 districts all have their own charm and tourist attractions. A visit to districts off the beaten tourist track is by all means worth it.

  5. The heart of Düsseldorf – the Old Town – beats across half a square kilometre. Year-on-year, the narrow streets between the Rhine and Heinrich-Heine-Allee cast their spell on the many visitors.

  6. Palaces and castles. Intact rococo buildings or medieval ruins – one thing in particular was important when it came to properties, even many years ago: the location. The navigation of the Rhine was once controlled from the palatinate district of Kaiserswerth. Today, you can just enjoy the views.

  7. Discover the Media Harbour. The former Rhine harbour has undergone a drastic transformation: where silos and warehouses used to form the skyline of the harbour district, today, there are building complexes designed by nationally and internationally renowned architects.

  8. Der Flächennutzungsplan der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf wurde in den frühen 1990er Jahren als Gesamtplan aufgestellt. Seitdem sind aufgrund zahlreicher verbindlicher Planungen mehrfache Änderungen notwendig geworden.

  9. International Business Services. One in every seven companies in Düsseldorf has a foreign origin. So Düsseldorf is the most important location for direct foreign investment in North Rhine-Westphalia and one of the leading international locations in Germany.

  10. Jede Bewohnerin oder jeder Bewohner erhält nur eine Ausnahmegenehmigung für ein auf ihn als Halter zugelassenes oder nachweislich von ihm dauerhaft genutztes Kraftfahrzeug. In begründeten Einzelfällen können zwei Kennzeichen in dem Parkausweis eingetragen werden.