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  1. 8视界新闻网提供最全面的中文新闻报道聚焦新加坡及全球热点和社会话题带你了解新加坡东南亚中港台和国际时事点击浏览 8world News,查阅今日新加坡及全球动态。

  2. 追踪新加坡热点新闻聚焦社会议题与发展关注最全面新加坡新闻尽在8world.comSingapore breaking news and top stories on crime, court, transport, housing, property, jobs, education and more.

  3. 第一时间全面掌握新加坡东南亚及国际即时新闻带你纵览今天新闻大事了解此刻全球最热资讯即时新闻尽在8world.comBreaking News, Singapore, South-East Asia, Greater China, World, Regional.

  4. 新传媒8频道新闻直播每日准时与你相约。《晨光第一线》、《1点新闻》、《狮城有约晚间新闻》,尽在

  5. 东南亚新闻与时事马来西亚缅甸泰国印度尼西亚及其他东南亚国家最新资讯及社会新闻尽在。 Breaking News on Southeast Asia, Politics and more.

  6. 3 days ago · 新闻快报重温新闻数码特制多样新闻视频栏目尽在。. Latest News videos, breaking news, Singapore, South-East Asia, Greater China, World, Regional.

  7. 深度剖析新加坡东南亚及国际新闻以深入浅出的视角呈现热点新闻及世界脉动深度专题报道尽在8world.comLatest news features, in-depth news reports and more.

  8. 8视界新闻新加坡 8world News, Singapore. 627,689 likes · 23,807 talking about this · 632 were here. 8视界新闻网的官方Facebook网页,提供最新的新闻讯息。#8worldnews 请按Like!

  9. 8视界娱乐生活志 8world Entertainment & Lifestyle, Singapore. 153,563 likes · 11,255 talking about this. 《8视界娱乐生活志》(前身i周刊》):新加坡内容最丰富的中文网志娱乐时尚生活最权威的声音

  10. › wiki › 8world8world - Wikipedia

    8world News is a department which produces news, current affairs, and info-ed programmes for two Mediacorp channels aired in Mandarin, Channels 8 and U. Prior to 2010, the news were presented in three timeslots - News 8 At One (Chinese:1點新聞), which airs daily; Singapore Today (Chinese:獅城6點半), and News 8 at 10. (Chinese:10點新聞).

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