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  1. • to unify all Buddhist institutions and Buddhists in Singapore • to observe Buddhist precepts, to practise Buddhism and to propagate Dharma. • To promote culture, education and social welfare.

  2. 新加坡佛教总会创于 1949年, 是个促进本地佛教团体与佛教徒遵守佛制、实践佛陀精神、弘扬佛法提倡文化教育,从事社会福利工作的会所( 更多。 2024年会员大会. 法定披露. Statutory Disclosure. 2. 悉达多托儿中心常年报告. Prince Siddattha Child Care Centre Annual Report. 3. 马林百列菩提学生托管中心常年报告. Marine Parade Maha Bodhi Stucent Care Centre Annual Report. 4. 经审计2023年财务报表. Audited Financial Statements FY2023.

  3. 陳友明居士 Mr Tan Yew Beng. 财政 Honorary Treasurer. 陈宝穗居士 Mdm Chan Poh Swee. 副财政 Deputy Honorary Treasurer. 李泉裕 Mr Lee Chuan Too. 总务组主任 Chairman, General Affairs Committee. 释普恩法师 Ven Shi Pu En. 总务组副主任 Vice-Chairman, General Affairs Committee. 陈文水博士 Dr Colin Tan.

  4. Singapore Buddhist Federation 新加坡佛教总会, Singapore. 8,564 likes · 13 talking about this · 804 were here. 新加坡佛教总会创于 1949年, 是个促进本地佛教团体与佛教徒遵守佛制、实践佛陀精神、弘扬佛法提倡文化教育,从事社会福利工作的会所

  5. 网上登记及捐款 Online Registration for Dharma Assemblies & Donations. 2023年7月2日. 居士林再次向回教堂捐赠30公吨大米 Rice Donation from SBL to Mosque for Ramadan. 2023年3月21日. 秉持着佛教的慈悲精神、促进种族与宗教和谐,居士林今年再次向回教堂捐赠大米,这次捐赠的是30公吨 ...

  6. May 28, 2023 · Venerable Seck Kwang Phing has been president of the Singapore Buddhist Federation since 2014. He tells executive editor Sumiko Tan why he decided to be a monk, and how he deals with...

  7. There are a variety of Buddhist organizations in Singapore, with the more predominant authorities being established ones such as the Singapore Buddhist Federation (SBF).

  8. 1. The day commemorates the birth, enlightenment and nirvana of Siddharta Gautama Shakyamuni Buddha. It is celebrated by Buddhists around the world. 2. The date of Vesak Day varies around the...

  9. Singapore Buddhist Federation (SBF) was founded in 1949 as the apex body of all Buddhist monasteries, institutions and all Buddhists - both Sanghas & Laities.

  10. May 26, 2021 · SINGAPORE - Buddhists will mark Vesak Day on Wednesday (May 26) with virtual celebrations but temples are looking at how they can do more to include seniors left out of events held online.

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