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  1. Am Pop Music: Online, Interactive, Etext. This course in American Popular Music History brings reading, listening, watching, and testing together in a unique learning environment. Whether you are in a class of one or 100, AmPopmusic can help deliver the learning outcomes both students and instructors desire to achieve.

  2. Consider some of the basic “building blocks” of music, including verses, choruses, introductions, and bridges. Learn how the speed of music – “tempo” – can influence how music is received. Investigate form and structure in music and how building blocks are used to craft an entire song.

  3. Find AM Pop Albums, Artists and Songs, and Hand-Picked Top AM Pop Music on AllMusic

  4. AM was the more tightly programmed, singles-oriented band on the dial, and it played the sort of commercial pop music that has since become synonymous with the era. Some AM pop singles appeal to modern ears only as embarrassingly kitschy artifacts of their time, far too dippily cheerful (or maudlin, as the case may be) for their own good.

  5. Find am pop tracks, artists, and albums. Find the latest in am pop music at

  6. Discuss the influence of folk music from specific geographical regions in the birth and evolution of country & western music. Explore the instrumentation of country & western music. Describe some of the characteristics of country & western music and the forms of music composed.

  7. Find Popular Songs in the Key of A Minor (Am) for your playlist, mix or DJ Set.