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  1. Jun 3, 2014 · TLDR. It was found that student writing was slightly less likely to feature content which may be deemed plagiarized, and the total amount of such content as a percentage of the total was notably low, while the accuracy of two plagiarism detection systems differed greatly. Expand. 1 Excerpt.

  2. Diane Pecorari brings recent linguistic research to bear on plagiarism, including processes of first and second language writers; interplay between reading and writing; writer's identity...

  3. Jul 1, 2014 · Pecorari (2008) builds on Ho ward’s work, introducing a tw o-level typology of plagiarism, with TEXTUAL PLA GIARISM , defined as ‘the use of words and/or ideas from another source,

  4. Diane Pecorari brings recent linguistic research to bear on plagiarism, including processes of first and second language writers; interplay between reading and writing; writer's identity and voice; and the expectations of the academic discourse community.

    • 1st
    • Paperback
    • 224
    • Sep 17 2010
  5. Pecorari (2006) showed that textual plagiarism was more common in the works of students in the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), in other words, precisely those disciplines which do not ‘permit’ explicit, signalled quotation (in the sense that it is vanishingly rare and thus highly unconventional).

  6. Research output: Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works › RGC 12 - Chapter in an edited book (Author) Check@CityULib. Teaching effective source use: Classroom approaches that work, Jennifer A. Mott-Smith, Zuzana Tomaš, Ilka Kostka (Eds.).

  7. Oct 30, 2015 · Because of the role of English as global lingua franca, there is a widespread belief that students who emerge from university with skills in English will be more competitive in the workplace and a concomitant belief that EMI provides exposure to the language (Pecorari et al. 2011).