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  1. 更多新闻. 《星洲日报是马来西亚最具影响力的中文媒体。. 1929年创刊至今,坚持每天为读者报道最快最全面的国内外新闻,诉说马来西亚的故事。.

  2. 星洲日报每日头版新闻大马头条国际头条娱乐头条体育头条各地方头条等各类别的重大新闻头条。.

  3. 感受澳门马来西亚路展 领略旅游+”元素的无限魅力. 澳门特别行政区政府旅游局将于2024年7月5日至8日,在吉隆坡人气畅旺的双威金字塔购物广场 ...

  4. 百格大事纪/ 无法证明资金源自1MDB 巫统马华等8造保近2亿. 反贪会在2019年援引反洗黑钱及反恐融资法令入禀法庭,向41个人与单位包括巫统和马华追讨挪用一马公司的资金。. 而今日上诉庭驳回控方上诉,巫统与马华等保住了1.9亿……. 2021-09-02 20:01:39. 百格新闻 ...

  5. Sin Chew excels as a cargo logistics company, offering solutions in handling, crating, and transporting diverse cargo with precision and care. Learn more.

  6. 马来西亚星洲日报 Malaysia Sin Chew Daily, 八打靈再也. 2,182,826 likes · 201,589 talking about this. 星洲日報臉書提供讀者最快最多的新聞,這裡也是理性交流的臉書空間,歡迎您的參與! 星洲網

  7. Jun 13, 2024 · The brand-new reading platform of "Sing Chew Electronic News" allows you to quickly and conveniently obtain information and experience the different fun of reading newspapers. Our team builds a...

  8. English version of Malaysia Sin Chew Daily official website, which provide all news and contents in English language.

  9. 星洲网 Sin Chew Daily Malaysia Latest News and Headlines. Baby 逆袭之光!. 最新一季跑男惨遭出局后 如今成为EU9品牌大使. 吉隆坡讯:Angelababy(杨颖)曾经在疯马秀中备受争议的她,经历了最新一季跑男节目中被惨遭出局,却在事业上迎来了巅峰时刻。. 然而,命运的转变 ...

  10. Sin Chew Daily ( Chinese: 星洲日報 ), formerly known as Sin Chew Jit Poh, is a leading Chinese-language newspaper in Malaysia. According to report from the Audit Bureau of Circulation for the period ending 31 December 2011, Sin Chew Daily has an average daily circulation of almost 500,000 copies and also the largest-selling ...

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